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2019年2月9日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 欧洲卷 北美卷 二月九日在中国大陆并没有考试,中国区的下一场雅思考试将 […]


2019年2月9日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 欧洲卷 北美卷



Section  1 机场场景-转机时候发生的事情

a survey conducting by a woman to a man in the airport 一位女士在机场采访一位男士
1-3)multiple choice: 多选题
1. why the man is at the airport?
A meet people B for boarding C in transit
(he was in between flights and waited for check-in) 他在转机中
2.the length of waiting: 等待时长
A 1-2 hours B 2-3 hours C over 3 hours (the man: I have 4 hours to go) 超过三小时
3 what does he think of the voucher(优惠购货券)的态度?
B Unattractive(he said, for most people it is attractive, but it does not appeal to me, and the voucher can not get the cash)
4-6) multiple choice:多项选择题
the facilities he interviewed man wants to get
A.cinema ( the screen is. big,接着说飞机上只有电子游戏和DVD可以看,可是他想看大荧幕的电影,所以我把这个大荧幕的电影转化成 cinema)
B electronic game center(there are only video games and DVD)
C fish tank (mention the xx fish,是说鱼的品种)
D gym
E.beds( do not have to sleep in the airport,bed是他一上来就说的想在床上睡觉)
F email(发邮件的设备email不选是因为它已经成为一般机场的 standard然后说想用他的laptop发email什么的)
7 He takes the plane 20 times every year 数字
8 He uses the word enjoyable to describe his lifestyle 愉悦的
9 He likes taking the laptop /suitcase (hand luggage on board) 笔记本电脑
10The man recommends increasing the fruit during the flight. 水果

Section 3  与web design相关

21-22) Completions   填空题

Research on website users 对于网站用户的调查研究

Research method: focused on all age groups  关注所有年龄群体

21 People use Internet main purpose is to: save time 节省时间

22 areas concerned: privacy隐私

23-30) Table completions 表格填空题

类别 Group 面对对象 users field applications Problems问题
family user 家庭用户 23 Mainly women 主要是女性


Exchange 24 social



resources 商业资源

People who want something different


 25 To sell product or provide support 支持

For their customers

Big corporations


Offer 26 advice 建议


27 need to be creative



New entrepreneurs新的创业者 28 offer ideas Easily stolen
29 Networker Youngster who lick to share interests 30. Plan holiday

Eg. Arrangement football scheme


Section 4 与澳大利亚的鳄鱼相关

Study on Australian Crocodiles

31-40)Completion (one word only) 只填写一个单词

31 this time research is special coz the study is using satellite 这次的研究很特别,因为使用了卫星

32 in the past in previous studies it( test) was done with radio 过去研究测验通过无线电来进行的

33 problem: always losing signals    问题是总是会丢失信号

34 they are not easily captured, as they are cautious as to avoid people 信号不容易被捕捉到,因为会很小心躲避人群。

afraid of being followed by humans

35 first waited a whole week, then they follow the most direct route way home (one word) 直接的

36 tracking devices(追踪工具) are set in the head of the crocodile 头

37 relocate the crocodile by using a helicopter 通过直升机来安置鳄鱼


38 crocodile has the ability to navigate 导航

navigation ability(更新)

39-40) Conclusions 总结

39 the crocodile find their direction/orientation by using their sense to the sun 太阳

40 Crocodiles have the same system like the birds.


2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案


大作文:Some people say that organizations are more successful when managers and workers communicate well with each other. Other people say that there are more important factors that make organizations successful. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



大作文:Children seem to not have the natural ability to study language, so schools not force children to learn a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree?(新题)



大作文:It’s more convenient to watch movies and play games with mobile devices such as the smartphone, tablet, and laptop computers. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


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2019年2月9日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 欧洲卷 北美卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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