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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a time that you had a free gift 免费礼物 […]


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a time that you had a free gift 免费礼物


该题目只有一个信息点:free gift免费礼物。因为题目特意强调了是免费,所以这个东西应该本来是要收钱的。这样一来,像生日礼物,周年礼物,情人节礼物,或者感谢礼物等本来就不要自己掏钱的物品就不能说了。日常生活中,我们接触到的免费礼物也很多,不过绝大多数都是商业广告行为附带的。最常见的有,办信用卡送电器,充话费送自行车,扫二维码加关注送毛绒玩具,商场里达到一定金额送东西等。我们随便挑一个说就好。


You should say:

When did you have this gift  什么时候得到的礼物

Where did you have it  从哪得来的

What was the gift  礼物是什么

And explain how did you feel about it  你感觉如何


The free gift I am going to tell you is a portable bicycle which I got at my junior year in University. That was the right beginning of the term. To attract student customers and compete with its rival, the communication operator company, China Unicom, set up an advertisement campaign. It would give you various gifts including key rings, flash disks, and fluffy toys and so on, according to the amount of money you top-up at the site. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. If you top-up 500 yuan at a time, you would get a bicycle, whose size was only the half of what we usually saw on the street. The height of seat and handlebar were adjustable and the whole body was painted light green with the logo of China Unicom on it.


Then I happened to need a bike to reduce my commuting time. My campus was huge and it took me 20 minutes from dormitory to classroom. It is common in western university as students live outside of the campus, but in China, where we have dormitory right in the campus, that was a long time.


So I charged 500 yuan and got this bike. To be honest, it was not very nice, as you can imagine with the color and logo. But it did make my life much more convenient. What was more important was that it was free. So generally speaking, I was quite satisfied.

Part 3 附加问题

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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a time that you had a free gift 免费礼物:等您坐沙发呢!


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