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2019年1月19日雅思考试亚太卷答案 亚太卷的考试也又过去一场。不知道大家考得如何。跟大陆卷的雅思考试相比, […]



亚太卷的考试也又过去一场。不知道大家考得如何。跟大陆卷的雅思考试相比,这次亚太卷的考试要明显简单一些。题型更加常规,考察的单词也不算特别偏。听力部分,section 1仍然为填空,section 2为选择+匹配的组合,section 3为两种匹配的组合,section 4为填空。写作部分,小作文为饼状图,大作文要求大家讨论获取新闻的最佳方式。老烤鸭小编根据网上考生的回忆,整理了这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。


Section 1美国家庭旅游租用接车和住宿


1-10 填空

1. Telephone No.0419657156 电话号码

2. Send things by mail 通过邮件发送东西

3. Price for renting: $39 per day 租住的价格

4. An extra bed 额外的床

5. Equipment: kitchen on the top  顶层有厨房

6. Need to have a  heater 需要暖气

7. Microwave 微波炉

8. Pick them up back from the airport  从机场接他们回来

9. Insurance: the youngest driver’s age Caroline: 49 years old 最年轻的司机年龄

10. The license issued in Australia 由澳大利亚发布的

Section2  Fitness Center运动中心


11-16 单选

11. What was newly established? 什么是先建的?

C. Dance studio 舞蹈工作室

12. When is the busiest time? 什么时候最忙?

B. Weekday evening 工作日晚上

13. How to get a discount?  如何才有折扣

B. Book in advance 提前预定

14. What benefit new customer can get? 顾客能得到什么好处?

A. free training for today only 只有今天有免费的训练

15. Why did the gym win an award? 健身房为什么获奖?

B. Offering professional advises 提供专业的建议

16. Why most people give up half way?  为什么大多数人中途放弃

C. No companion 没有同伴

17-20 匹配

17. general training:普通训练

B. the leg strength 腿部强壮程度

18. ..training:

D. better concentration 更好的专注度

19. Aerobic training: 有氧训练

F. release stress 释放压力

20. squash 壁球

A. react time 反应时间

Section 3 蜜蜂与螨虫的寄生关系


21-26 流程图匹配

21. Varroa mites have been found on flowers 花朵上有螨虫

22. Then they carried by bees and hide under the hive 他们被蜜蜂带走,并躲在蜂巢之下。

23. Cover their smell by honey 通过蜂蜜掩盖他们的气味

24. The adults suck the “blood” of adult honey bees 成年螨虫吸成年蜜蜂的血

25. the female mite enters a honey bee brood cell 雌性螨虫进入卵细胞中

26. The compromised adult bees are more prone to infections caused by virus 更容易受到感染

27-30 Matching匹配

27. Europe bumblebee: spread weeds  传播野草

28.Italian bee: warm climate  温暖的气候

29. Africanized honeybees are: very aggressive 非常有侵略性

30. Rare Carniolan bees: too few to help farmers 太少了,无法帮助农民

Section 4 建筑材料


31-40 填空

31.the foundation is constructed of natural materials 由自然材料构成基础

32. use the best soil and sand 使用最好的土壤和沙子

33. the bricks contain a lot of high-quality clay 砖头含有大量的高质量黏土

34. advantages: cheap and convenient 优势:既便宜又方便

35. the process of brick making takes a good training 砖块的制作过程需要良好的训练

36. it needs water, time and labor 需要水、时间和劳动力

37. firstly, the roof needs to be set up 首先要搭建屋顶

38. it is covered with plaster to prevent insects 盖有塑料以防止昆虫

39. the shape of the xxxxxxx XXX的形状

40. it has a risk of fire 有着火的风险


2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案








Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn news. However, others believe that they can learn news more effectively through other media. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/9283.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考



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