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2019年1月12日雅思考试亚太卷答案 今天亚太区考试的难度与国内基本一致。听力方面,第一部分的内容为一名女生 […]





Section 1  罂粟花旅游


1. The poppies will be at their best at the end of the month 罂粟花在月末开的最好

2. The poppies on the hills are orange in color 山上的罂粟花是橘色的

3. The reserve is located to the southeast of Lakeside 位于湖边的东南方

4. The best time for photography is mid-afternoon 拍照的最好时间时下午中间

5. Wear trousers because of rattlesnakes 因为响尾蛇,所以要穿裤子

6. activity: general tour 活动是周边的游览

7. viewpoint of a museum 博物馆的观景点

8. 1 hour 一个小时

9. 5.30 am to 1.00 pm 从早上5.30到下午1.00

10. bring the tripods and zoom lens of camera 携带摄像机的三脚架和放大镜头

Section 2 电台节目

11. which type of programmer is most popular? 哪种类型的节目编排者最受欢迎

Language programmers 语言类的节目编排者

12. which skills do school groups generally have problems with? 学校团体通常在哪方面有问题?

Organizational skills 组织技能方面

13. According to the speaker, the main purpose of Towntalk FM is to? 该节目的主要目的是?

involve local community 参与到当地社区中来

14. where was the station held at the beginning? 节目一开始是在哪里举办的?

Caravan 房车里

15. Cafe is behind the reception 咖啡馆在前台后面

16. Store room next to the wash room 储藏间在盥洗室旁边

17. Training studio is at the end of left hand side 训练房在左手边的最后

18. Main studio is next to the corner 主要的工作室在拐角旁边

19. Control room next to the main studio 控制室在主要工作室旁边

20. Waiting room beside cleaning room and opposite to the control room 等候室在清扫室旁边,在控制室对面

Section 3 语言学习项目

21. the language project depended on? 语言项目依赖于?

B. recording equipment in every room 每个房间都有的录制设备

22. Ben is unsure about the technology of Language Learning Project because the child 本对语言学习项目的技术不太确定,因为孩子

C. wasn’t able to give permission 无法给予允许

23. according to Ben, parents’ use of simplified language 根据本,父母使用简化语言

D. may not affect children language development 可能不会影响孩子的语言发展

24. what is the problem Maltilma figured about the data analysis?  Maltima发现数据分析的问题是?

C. it could have many applications 它可能有许多应用

25. why does Maltilma prefer to learn a foreign language? 为什么maltima更喜欢学习外语

B. getting words and phrases she could use. 学到她可以使用的词汇和短语

26. why does Ben use the Role-play approach in his language learning? 为什么本在他的语言学习过程中使用角色扮演

A. He want to put the grammar into a context. 他想要将语法置于语境之中

27-28. What are the approaches that have been used in Ben and Matilma researches? 本和matilma研究中使用了怎样的方法?

B. Interview 访谈

C. Diaries 日志

29-30. What are the main difficulties for Ben research with data collection? 本在收集数据中遇到的主要困难是?

A. a technical error 技术错误

D.  Interruption 干扰

Section 4 城市的发展

31. People also find that cheap construction results in the problem of noise in apartment 人们也发现廉价建筑导致公寓里的噪音问题

32. A wide choice of entertainment options 有极大的娱乐选择

33. Greater population density results in better envirnment 更大的人口密度导致更好的环境

34. One city with a population of 8 million people has less infrastructures than a city with a population of 4 million people 800万人口的城市比400万人口的城市拥有更少的基础设施

35. Children 孩子

36. Balance 平衡

37. The factor of history can also influence the development of city 历史的因素也能够影响城市的发展

38. Use new power like solar power as a source of electricity 使用像太阳能这样子的新能源来作为电力来源

39. Increase 15% of the size of the wages of the richer population 提升了富裕人群百分之15的工资

40. Deliver water 运输水


2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案









The environmental problem in the world  can not be solved by ordinary people because what they can do is too little. And it is also the responsibility of politicians. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


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