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雅思口语part1答案范文解析 shoes 鞋子 How often do you buy shoes? 你多 […]


雅思口语part1答案范文解析 shoes 鞋子

How often do you buy shoes? 你多久买一次鞋?

Maybe twice a year. I am not sure.  I am not a fashionable guy who loves to follow the latest trend and buy various shoes. As long as my shoes are in good condition, I will not think of buying new ones.


Have you ever bought shoes online? 你曾经在网上买过鞋子吗?

Yes, I had once. It was not a satisfactory shopping experience. This article is from laokaoya website. The shoes I bought were a bit bigger and the changing process was full of obstacles. So since then, I have never bought another one online.


Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable ones? 你喜欢时尚的鞋子还是舒适的那种?

Comfortable ones. I am not a very fashionable person and pay little attention to the latest model of shoes. In fact, I always wonder why somebody would sacrifice the comfort to pursuit some useless decorations or eye-catching looks.


Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?


Yes, it would be my classmate, Xiaoming. He is crazy about Nike’s sneakers.  Whenever a new model of shoes is published, he will rush into the shop and bring one home. He said he had more than 20 pairs of shoes and most of them are brand new.


What is your favorite type of shoes?


It would be canvas shoes. They are light and comfortable, and they match almost all sorts of casual trousers.



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