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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a game that you played in your ch […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a game that you played in your childhood 童年游戏/童年玩的游戏




Describe a game that you played in your childhood

You should say:

What the game was

When you played it

Who you played it with

And explain how you felt about the game




The game I am going to talk about is called “Three words”. To play it, you need at least three people. One of them is given the role of ghost, whose job is to hunt ordinary people. Anyone he touches becomes the new ghost and he becomes normal. An interesting setting about this game is that if you anticipate that you are not going to escape the claw of the ghost, you can say three words. Any word would be OK, but the number has to be three. Then you are frozen. You cannot move until your companions come to save you. During this process, the ghost cannot turn you.


This game was very popular when I was in primary school. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. We played it after school, but we would not give up the 10-minute break between courses either. When the bell rang, we rushed out of the class and began playing. We would not stop until the teacher came in. At school, I played with my classmates, and when I came home, I played with my neighbors. I also played with strangers. Usually, they were very friendly. As long as you asked, they would let you in.


I think this is a very good game. It consumes the excess energy of children and strengthens their bodies because to play it, they have to keep running.  It also enhances children’s friendship as they have to save each other from the status of frozen.


Part 3 追加问题

What kinds of games do children play these days?

Are outdoor sports important for kids?

Is winning important in games?

Which is better, individual games or team-based games?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/7196.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a game that you played in your childhood 童年游戏/童年玩的游戏:目前有6 条评论

  1. 0楼

    老师这个可以说video game吗

    2018-12-04 09:12 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭小编


      2018-12-04 12:10 [回复]


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