雅思口语Part3: What are other things that you want to replace? 还有哪些你想置换的东西?
我没有太多东西需要置换的了,不过,有一个东西我特别想换掉。我有台笔记本电脑,是Macbook Air。我用它将近四年时间了。到现在它都运行正常,除了最近有过一次电池故障,那次的确有点吓着我了,因为这台电脑储存了很多对我来说有用的信息。所以,如果我有足够资金的话,我会买一台新的。
I don’t get many to replace, but there’s a thing that I really want to have a substitute. You know I got a laptop, which is a Macbook Air. I have been using it for almost four years. This article is from Laokaoya website. It still functions pretty well except for a recent batter breakdown, which terrified me a bit, you know, it stores much information that is quite essential for me. So, I really want to buy a new one if I got enough money.