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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a time that you showed something […]


雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a time that you showed something which was new to a person who was younger than you 向小辈展示新东西


这里的younger person/a person who was younger than you 可以是任何比你年纪要小的人,所以在选取人物的时候不必想太多。另外,something new这里也没有特别的限定。可以说说新款电子产品、日常用品如化妆品、特别的香水、时髦的服装或者有意思的玩具等。但是,需要注意,你所表达的这个事物一定要是ta不熟悉或者不知道的以确保自己表述的内容不偏离题目要求。


Describe a time that you showed something which was new to a person who was younger than you 向小辈展示新东西

You should say:

When it was / What it was

Who you showed it to How you showed it

Why you showed it

And explain how you felt about it




The time I showed a new gadget to a younger person was this summer when I demonstrated my recently purchased DJI mini drone to my nephew. It was my second drone and the most advanced mini model I own. My cousin and his son visited me at home, and I noticed that my nephew, who is currently in middle school, seemed quite bored.


Initially, I planned to let him play Nintendo Switch, but I couldn’t find the game cartridges. So, I decided to show him the new drone instead. He had only heard of drones before but had never seen one in person, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to introduce this gadget to him.

起初我想让他玩Nintendo Switch,但由于游戏卡带找不到了,我决定展示这款无人机。他以前只听说过无人机,从没见过实物。我觉得这对他来说是个很好的机会,能够近距离接触并体验这一科技产品。

I didn’t want to overwhelm him with too many technical explanations, so I took him to a nearby park and showed him how the drone flies and captures aerial footage. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website. His eyes lit up with excitement as he watched it move around smoothly. After a few minutes, I handed him the controls, and he tried flying it himself. He was thrilled and kept asking me how it worked and what other features it had.


Well, seeing his enthusiasm made me really happy. I felt a sense of pride for letting him experience something new and hoped it would inspire him to develop a greater interest in technology and science.


Part 3 追加问题

What skills should children learn before entering school?

How does a good learner learn something new?

What are the skills that you wanted to learn?

What can children learn from teachers and parents?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/59165.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a time that you showed something which was new to a person who was younger than you 向小辈展示新东西:等您坐沙发呢!


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