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剑桥雅思18Test2Passage3阅读答案解析 An ideal city 理想城市 剑桥雅思18阅读第二 […]


剑桥雅思18Test2Passage3阅读答案解析 An ideal city 理想城市

剑桥雅思18阅读第二套题目第三篇文章由7道TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN判断和7道总结型填空组成。虽然整体仍然具有一定的难度,但相比于这套题目的第二篇文章已经简单很多,希望大家都能保持一个不错的正确率。

剑桥雅思18Test2Passage3阅读原文翻译 An ideal city 理想城市

剑桥雅思18 Test2 Passage3阅读答案解析


第27题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:第1段:The word ‘genius’ is universally associated with the name of Leonardo da Vinci … Five hundred years have passed since Leonardo died

答案解析:虽然原文确实提到达芬奇被称为天才,但500年前是他去世的时间,而非人们将他称为天才的时间。我们并不清楚他这一称号是什么时候来的,可能早于500年,也可以晚于500年,还有可能真的是在去世那一年。因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。

第28题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:第2段:… caused a global crisis resulting in some 200 million deaths across Europe and Asia. Today, the world is on the cusp of a climate crisis, which is predicted to cause widespread displacement, extinctions and death

答案解析:原文提到14世纪的瘟疫导致大约2亿人死亡,而在气候变化这一点上则只是说很严重,并没有给出具体的数字。题目中more deaths的说法属于无中生有,因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。


对应原文:第2段:Then, as now, radical solutions this article is from laokaoya website were called for to revolutionise the way people lived and safeguard humanity against catastrophe.

答案解析:题干中some of the challenges we face today对应原文中的climate crisis,those of earlier times对应plagues,而compared则对应as now。即题目中所有的主要信息点在原文都能找到依据,由此判断答案为TRUE。


对应原文:第3段:an ‘ideal city’ project, which – due to its excessive costs – would remain unfulfilled.

答案解析:原文第3段明确指出,因为理想城市的成本过高,该项目最终并未实现。题干中was constructed in the 15th century的说法与此冲突,因此判断答案为FALSE。


对应原文:第3段:Yet given that unsustainable urban models are a key cause of global climate change today

答案解析:紧接上一题,原文提到,不可持续的城市模式是全球气候变化的主要原因。题干中poor town planning对应unsustainable urban models,major contributor对应key causes,climate change为原词。即所有信息点在原文中都能找到依据,因此判断答案为TRUE。

第32题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:第4段:Prominent Renaissance men pushed forward large-scale urban projects in Italy, such as the reconfiguration of the town of Pienza and the expansion of the city of Ferrara.

答案解析:原文并没有任何语句提到当地人对皮恩扎小镇的重新规划和费拉拉市的扩张的看法。题干中local people fought against the changes的说法属于无中生有,因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。


对应原文:第5段:It is not easy to identify a coordinated vision of Leonardo’s ideal city because of his disordered way of working with notes and sketches.

答案解析:原文指出,达芬奇的手稿十分凌乱。题干中neat, organised的说法与原文中disordered冲突,由此判断答案为FALSE。


对应原文:第5段:He designed the city for the easy transport of goods and clean urban spaces

答案解析:根据Ticino River定位到第5段,空前词better对应easy,空后a less polluted environment则对应clean urban spaces,无论是根据修饰关系还是并列关系,都可以判断答案为transport。


对应原文:第6段:Leonardo wanted the city to be built on several levels, linked with vertical outdoor staircases.

答案解析:根据unconventional与innovations的对应定位到第6段。空后词on the exterior of a building与outdoor同义替换,根据修饰关系,确定答案为staircases。


对应原文:第7段:But the true originality of Leonardo’s vision was its fusion of architecture and engineering.



对应原文:第7段:a rule still followed in many contemporary cities across Italy



对应原文:第8段:Although some of these features existed in Roman cities



对应原文:第8段:an idea that can be found in Georges-Eugene Haussmann’s renovation of Paris under Emperor Napoleon Ⅲ between 1853 and 1870.

答案解析:这道题比较简单一些。从题干语义可以推测出空上应该填一个具体的城市名字。根据19th century与between 1853 and 1870的对应定位到这句话,锁定Paris。


对应原文:第9段:Many scholars think that the compact city, built upwards instead of outwards

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,根据today定位到第9段。空后词no longer与instead of对应,由否定关系锁定答案为outwards。

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