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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Friends 朋友 无论我们性格外向还是内向,身边总会有几个珍贵的朋友。相比 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Friends 朋友


How important are friends to you? 朋友对你来说有多重要?

In my life, friends hold immense significance as they are like family to me. Their companionship, support, and understanding make them invaluable. They bring joy, laughter, and comfort during both good and challenging times. They are the pillars of my happiness and well-being.


Do you often go out with your friends? 你经常跟朋友一起出去吗?

Yes, I frequently go out with my friends. We engage in various activities such as going to movies, exploring new places, dining out, or simply having meaningful conversations. These activities are not just leisure but an integral part of my life.


Where do you often meet each other? 你们经常在哪里见面?

As a college student, the majority of my friends are my classmates. We often gather at the entrance of our dormitory for socializing and spending time together. This article is from laokaoya website. However, when it comes to mixed-gender gatherings, we make a point to meet under the flagpole at the school entrance. This designated location ensures a convenient and neutral meeting point for everyone involved.


What do you usually do with your friends? 你一般跟朋友一起干什么?

Apart from the activities mentioned earlier, playing “Honour of Kings,” a team-based mobile game, is the most common thing we do together. Occasionally, in our quest for victory, we may have some arguments. Nevertheless, even these arguments eventually transform into cherished memories.


Do you have a friend you have known for a long time? 你有没有已经认识了很久的朋友?

Yes, I do. When I was approximately four or five years old, I befriended Xiao Ming, who resided in the same neighborhood. Despite attending different primary schools, secondary schools, and universities as we grew up, we have maintained our connection. Even to this day, we continue to spend time together during every winter and summer vacation.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Friends 朋友:等您坐沙发呢!


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