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2022年11月5日雅思考试答案 虽然新的一波疫情席卷全国,但少数几个城市仍然开展了雅思考试。从大家的反馈来看 […]





Part 1 求职场景


1-6 填空

1. first job: reporter

2. type of magazine: weekly housing magazine

3. hours per week appointment: 14 hours

4. starting salary: 7000 pounds

5. second job: researcher

6. where to obtain other information: website

7-10 匹配

A. very interested

B. slightly interested

C. not interested in

7. Sport writer: C

8. entertainment report: B

9. 肥皂剧编剧: A

10. business writer: B

Part 2 电台介绍文化系列活动


11-15 单选

11. Where clown and the unicycles go in cycle trip?

A. at the front of members

12. Who will be awarded a concert ticket in the piano musical competition?

B. who has biggest number of audience support

13. What will be charged at the pool side café watching the swim race?

B. drinks

14. What should people bring to attend the events in castle square?

C. flash light

15. What will be performed in first part the central market?

A. folk music

16-20 匹配

16. Mono-workshop: remembering details of names or facts

17. River west: how to be expert in reading gestures

18. Noreign café: how to find ways in outside places

19. Diamond café: how to conquer fears facing many audience

20. Piazzas café: to be good neighbors

Part 3 课程体系对比与野外实习


21-24 匹配

21. which university has the fourth year: C. both Hasn and Con university

22. Which university has compulsory field research: B. Con university

23. Which university has both seminar and lecture: A. Hasn university

24. Which university needs to assess the course work: A. Hasn university

25-30 填空

25. the investigation to Portugal is about different kinds of ecosystems

26. any equipment can be borrowed from resource library

27. students should bring map

28. the school fee covers the field-trip fee, yet no including living expenses

29. someone published a book with the name – Survey Methods

30. there is an exhibition in the museum concerning insects

Part 4 气候和建筑


31. both in rural areas and in cities

32. received funds of a city bank

33. skyscrapers lower levels of acid in damaging pollutants

34. in recent years, Alter Project focuses on the buildings made of stone/concrete

35. glasses used to reduce pollution in skyscrapers

36. are affected by the increased rainfall

37. humidity affects the constructions made of wood

38. are worried about the soil that protects the foundation of buildings

39. architects monitor the evidence of the movement of buildings

40. government should make guidelines for architects


2022年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2022年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案




第三篇:perception and sight




The different qualities of male and female means they suit for different jobs. Do you agree or disagree?

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