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雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a magazine that you like 喜欢的杂志 思 […]


雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a magazine that you like 喜欢的杂志


杂志类的问题曾在多年前考过,一直未重现,本季度又开始了,而且和Describe a quiet place 一起在季度中间的时候悄悄地浮出水面,小编能感受到BC的精心用意。其实对于杂志,我们并不陌生。女生们喜欢看的杂志多为时尚、美妆、生活类的,比如Vogue、时尚芭莎、意林、读者等等。而男士们多为科技、经济、政治类的,比如第一财经周刊、三联生活周刊等等。当然也有很多共同都比较喜欢的比如读者等等。这些都可以作为这道雅思口语话题卡的思路灵感来源。退一步讲,如果是在没有看过magazine,那么可以把Describe an exciting book you have read这篇当做自己的一个灵感进行微调修改。



Describe a magazine that you like

You should say:

What it is

Where did you see it

How you got to know about it

And explain why you like it


Well, a magazine that I love to read is named CFAN, which is a computer related magazine. It was firstly published in the 90s when I was quite little.


Oh jesus, you wouldn’t imagine how crazy I was about computer at that time. You know, my family got the first PC in the year 1998, which was a time where even Internet cafes were quite rare in China. So, that year was the time that I began to be keen on this amazing machine, epsecially the computer games installed on it.


The first time I saw the CFAN magazine was probably right after 1998 when I was an elementary school kid. That was a sultry afternoon, I was with my father and his colleauge in a bookstore in my hometown to look for something helpful for learning C++ programming. While I was waiting for them in the bookstore, I came across this heavy colorful booklet with a CD stuck to its cover. And I soon picked it up and checked what was inside. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. What attracted me the most while I  was reading this was that it contains a lot of articles about everything on computer software, like some strategies for the games Warcraft, and some reviews about then hit instant messaging tool QQ and some fancy anti-virus software, etc.


I asked my father to buy it for me, and I read it for like a whole afternoon without having a rest. It really plays magic on me. I think the most important reason why I find this magazine so fascinating is that it gave me and still does some insightful comments and info on the latest technology which is my favorite.

Part 3 追加问题

What kinds of magazines are the most popular?

Do men like to read fashion magazines?

Do people read magazines for fun or for learning?

Do you like to read news magazines?

Do you think journalists are subjective in their reports?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/5237.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a magazine that you like 喜欢的杂志:等您坐沙发呢!


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