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剑桥雅思17Test1Part2听力高频词汇 Boat trip round Tasmania




剑桥雅思17Test1Part2听力答案解析 Boat trip round Tasmania


exterior n. 外观,外部

例句:The exterior of the house needs painting. 房子外墙需要油漆。

ham n. 火腿

例句:The hams were cooked whole. 这些火腿是整条烹制的。

cheese n. 奶酪

例句:Some might even develop a taste for French cheese. 有些人甚至还会迷上法国奶酪呢.

tuna n. 金枪鱼

例句:a can of tuna in vegetable oil 一罐植物油浸金枪鱼罐头

sailor n. 水手,海员

例句:The sailor put in for time to visit his family before the ship went to sea. 在轮船出海之前,海员请假回家探亲。

prison n. 监狱

例句:He was sent to prison for five years. 他被关押了五年。

convict n. 服刑囚犯

例句:The policeman was chasing a convict who escaped from prison last night. 警方正在追捕一名昨晚从监狱脱逃的罪犯。

creature n. 生物,动物

例句:The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature. 榛睡鼠老烤鸭雅思是一种在夜间活动的胆小动物。

approach v. 接近,靠近

例句:When I approached, they grew silent. 当我走近时,他们就不说话了。

kayak n. 独木舟,皮艇

例句:How can I tell a canoe from a kayak? 皮艇和划艇该怎么区分呢 ?

staff n. 全体员工(雇员)

例句:The staff now face the grim prospect of redundancy. 全体职员现在面临著差到不能再差的裁员前景。

block v. 堵塞,阻塞

例句:I started to move round him, but he blocked my way. 我准备绕过他,但他挡住了我。

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