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剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 Dealing with your office […]


剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 Dealing with your office emails

剑桥雅思7 G类部分TestB Section2第二篇文章的主题为如何处理工作邮件。具体内容包括处理工作邮件的重要性,对邮件进行排序,以及分阶段回复等。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析


第22题答案:(obvious) spam

对应原文:If it is obvious spam, it can be deleted without reading.

答案解析:根据delete定位到原文中的这句话。原句采用的是被动语态,it指代obvious spam,由此确定其为正确答案。

第23题答案:message time

对应原文:Has the email been in your inbox for long? Check the message time.

答案解析:原文中提到了三种区分邮件重要性的方法,题目中已经给出了前两种,我们只用看第三种就好。再加上词性筛选,很容易确定答案为message time。

第24题答案:prompt attention

对应原文:An initial scan like this can help you identify the emails that require your prompt attention.

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,空前词need与require同义替换,根据修饰关系,确定答案为prompt attention。

第25题答案:reply immediately

对应原文:Some emails are uncomplicated and only require a brief, one-line answer, so it’s a good idea to reply to these immediately

答案解析:根据easy与uncomplicated,brief,one-line answer的对应定位到这句话,should与good idea同义替换,由此确定答案为reply to these immediately,但因为题目字数限制,筛选之后将其精简为reply immediately。

第26题答案:brief acknowledgement

对应原文:Having prioritised your emails, you can answer them in stages, first with a brief acknowledgement

答案解析:根据first定位到这句话,由词性和空前冠词a确定答案为brief acknowledgement。

第27题答案:(definite) date

对应原文:If you decide to do this, tell the recipient a definite date when you’ll be able to get back to him or her and try to keep to this wherever possible.

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,根据sender与recipient的对应定位到这句话,由不定冠词a确定答案为definite date。

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剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 Dealing with your office emails:等您坐沙发呢!


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