剑桥雅思7 G类 TestA Section3阅读答案解析 A very special dog
剑桥雅思7 G类部分TestA Section3这篇文章的主题为缉毒犬。具体内容包括黑色拉布拉多-佛罗伦斯的例子,其成为缉毒犬的原因,缉毒犬所必备的六中特性,评估专注能力的方法,以及这种犬类对神经生物学家的意义。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
剑桥雅思7 G类 TestA Section3阅读答案解析
对应原文:第2段:Inside the case, within styrofoam casing, packed in loose pepper and coffee, wrapped in freezer paper and heat-sealed in plastic, are 18 kilograms of hashish.
答案解析:行李箱中藏匿毒品的内容主要集中在第二段。B选项中pepper和cofee在原文中都有对应,由此确定其为正确答案。A选项中的lining,C选项中的frozen,以及D选项中的repel dogs都找不到依据,由此通通排除。
对应原文:第3段:Ordinary dogs have a 0.1% chance of making it in drug detection. The new breeding programme, run by the Australian Customs, is so successful that more than 50% of its dogs make the grade.
对应原文:第4段:It turns out that it’s not Flot Florence’s nose that makes her a top drug dog, but her unswerving concentration
答案解析:第4段中部提到,并不是佛罗伦斯的鼻子让她成为一只优秀的缉毒犬,而是她坚定不移的注意力。B选项not easily distracted对应unswerving concentration,由此确定其为正确答案。A选项在原文中已经被否定,而C选项和D选项则都没有提到,因此通通排除。
对应原文:第4段:Florence could help neurobiologists to understand both what they call ‘attention processing’, the brain mechanisms that determine what a person pays attention to and for how long, and its flip side, problems such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
对应原文:第5段:in 1993, fed up with the poor success rate of finding good dogs this way, John Vandeloo, senior instructor with the Detector Dog Unit, joined forces with Kath Champness,then a doctoral student at the University of Melbourne, and set up a breeding programme.
对应原文:第6段:The ideal detector is also fearless enough to deal with jam-packed airport crowds and the roaring engine rooms of cargo ships.
对应原文:第7段:A good detector must be capable of focusing on the task of searching for drugs, despite the distractions in any airport or dockside.
答案解析:第7段提到,缉毒犬必须能够忽略机场和码头的各种干扰,专心致志地搜寻毒品。E选项concentration对应focusing on,由此确定其为正确答案。
对应原文:第6段:every good detector dog must love praise because this is the only tool trainers have at their disposal, but the dog must still be able to work for long periods without it.
答案解析:第6段开头提到,优秀的缉毒犬必须得喜欢表扬,但又得能够在缺乏表扬的情况下长时间工作。F选项中work和without原词出现,constant encouragement对应praise,由此确定其为正确答案。
对应原文:第6段:every good detector dog must love praise because this is the only tool trainers have at their disposal
对应原文:第4段:As many as 3 to 5% of children are thought to suffer from the condition in the US, where the incidence is highest, although diagnosis is often controversial.
答案解析:原文中提到,大约3%到5%的美国儿童受到此种情况的困扰,但诊断方式往往充满争议。题干中now widely accepted的说法与often controversial冲突,由此判断答案为FALSE。
对应原文:第9段:Five minutes into the test, one in ten subjects will start to miss the majority of the blips, this article is from laokaoya website, one in ten will stil be able to spot nearly all of them and the rest will come somewhere in between.
第39题答案:NOT GIVEN
答案解析:原文中并没有任何内容提到警觉测试能够帮助提升注意力,由此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。
对应原文:第10段:the dogs stay so focused that not even a postcard lined with 0.5 grams of heroin and hidden in a bulging sack of letters escapes detection.
答案解析:第10段中提到,在鼓鼓的一麻袋信件中,甚至混有一封藏有0.5克海洛因的明信片也没有逃过检查。题干中miss them的描述与此冲突,由此确定答案为FALSE。