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七月份的第一次雅思考试已经结束,各位老烤鸭们感觉考得如何?目前来看阅读考得还算比较中规中矩,听力出现了常见经典 […]


七月份的第一次雅思考试已经结束,各位老烤鸭们感觉考得如何?目前来看阅读考得还算比较中规中矩,听力出现了常见经典疑惑:double u呢还是w?老烤鸭小编根据网上大家的回忆,整理了这次2018年7月7日雅思考试答案回忆,包括雅思大陆区的考卷以及亚太地区的考试卷子。


Section One 有关于一位lady就community class的事情进行了课程咨询

1. 7.45 干扰项为数字7

2. write

3. 140  干扰项为120

4. certificate 证书

5. knife 小刀

6. 60 (another version: some said 56)

7. neck  (pain in her neck)

8. Lawnton

9. towel

Section Two 有关在外国学生在UK换取驾照的详解以及英国major cities的traffic情况的介绍

11. C proves to be resident in the UK

12. A not all necessary

13. C cannot be in poor condition

14. checking service  B

15. C  ask for personal recommendation

16. London effective traffic lights

17. Edinburgh clear traffic signs

18. Cardiff speed limits

19. Manchester multi-lane roads

20. Oxford efficient ring roads

Section Three 关于active learning

21. experts said that the thinkers

22. B have good instincts

23. B thinkers

24. A impatience

25. C participate more

26. A should be in an earlier state

27. B

28. C

29. C

30. D


Section Four 有关Fire ants nest 蚂穴

31. desert

32. rocks

33. port

34. soil

35. water

36. sports

37. electrical

38. dogs

39. helicopter 单数

40. corn


Passage One: 有关快餐食物(fast food)和慢餐食物(slow food)的文章   题型:判断、填空、简答

Passage Two: hypermiling 与减低汽车能源消耗相关的方式   题型:段落匹配、多选、填空

Passage Three: 欧洲的middle agea的历史  题型:选择、句子匹配、判断


Task One: 是个静态图,有layer的bar chart 里面有paper cup以及用一种化学物质做的一次性杯子的energy consumption 的对比

The chart compares the resources used to make 1,000 disposable cups in different materials: polystyrene and paper

Task Two:


People have different views on how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think that governments should build more train and subway lines, while others think that building more roads and widening existing roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Section 1 refrigerator repairing

1. model: top mount

2. fridge color: silver

3. Date of purchase: 12th January

4. near the station and shopping center

5. Main problem is the noise of alarm

6. Freezer temperature is 10 degree

7. Shop: sandwich

8. Food: $180

9. Ask the manager to call back to handle

10. Another problem is the door

Section 2 关于connection的scheme

11. B receive no pay

12. B difficult to make friends

13. A talk about personal matters

14. A an increased understanding between cultures

15. keep in touch with the vetting

16. send in some documents to confirm your identity

17. provide two photos, one for the host family, and the other for records

18. receive acknowledgment within7 working days

19. Have an interview with a staff

20. Receive final decision in writing


Section 4

31. which group take in the most fat: the age group of fat is the teenagers

32. family members live together would get similar level of fat in their diet

33. Do research concerning: investigated by different race and income

34. Surveys have been conducted in mobile XX

35. Adults live with children drink milk more

36. Reson: parents have little time

37. number of children

38. The research didn’t consider the minority and relationship between children and adults

39. Influences decrease with the age of children

40. Influence by friends


Task One: 是个Line graph

Task Two: Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?


Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/5101.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2018年7月7日雅思考试答案 大陆和亚太卷新鲜出炉 老烤鸭独家解析:目前有5 条评论

  1. 0楼


    2018-07-08 21:01 [回复]
  2. 0楼


    2018-07-08 21:05 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭


      2018-07-08 22:22 [回复]
  3. 0楼


    2018-07-09 01:13 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭


      2018-07-09 10:02 [回复]


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