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2018年6月2日雅思考试答案 大陆区+亚太区考卷 老烤鸭独家解析 烤鸭们考的如何?最近考了两次流程图,这次又 […]


2018年6月2日雅思考试答案 大陆区+亚太区考卷 老烤鸭独家解析




Section 1  与派对(party)有关


1. 80 人 (先提议100人,男士说50,但最好是80)

2. King room (房间的类型)

3. Jazz (音乐的类型)

4. 26 September (日期)

5. table

6. congratulation

7. lemon (蛋糕的类别)

8. number: 54412008887

9. Sebastian 人名

10. Pay extra fee: service


Section 2: 无答案回忆 (与乐器有关,与party有关,与演出有关。 )


Section 3: 学生和老师谈论志愿者组织管理


21. B didn’t have a formal structure

22. B the way of work shared

23. B he made so many decisions himself

24. C surprise they will do it well

25. A Children are involved to help

26. B administrator stop working

27. Culture (the tutor suggests improving his organization through culture )

28. designer

29. changes (the tutor suggests her reading some books about management of changes)  这几道题的顺序可能不一样

30. motivation of voluntary


Section 4 与艺术家以及垃圾方面的创作有关

31. Painting

32. Plastic

33. shells

34. humour

35. pencil

36. electrical

37. loss

38. travel

39. movies

40. photographs  顺序会有差异



Passage 1: 新西兰儿童发现头欧洲女囚的头盖骨

Passage 2: play tree对于儿童发展的影响还有一些关于animal experiment的信息

Passage 3: 对于verbal language 和 non-verbal language的research 作者意图说明verbal同样很重要


Task 1: 地图题 讲museum 装修之前和装修之后的changes, 把1998年的功能分区和2008年改造之后的区域进行一个对比

Task 2: Many people today prefer socializing online rather than spend time with their friends in their local community. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?





Section 1 关于酒店预订

1. Screen (There is a big screen provided in the ballroom)

2. manager (Contact the local manager for booking requirement)

3. cooking (popular activity) 受欢迎的活动

4. forests 森林

5. June

6. rose (get a rose for ladies)

7.singer (performance by a famous singer)

8. band (local band will be there to do the live music)

9. arts 艺术

10. Friday 星期五


Section 2 Fun city

11. C 10 am (公园里riding什么时候开放)

12. B 95 (basic ticket and fast line ticket)

13. B go there in summer 夏天去那儿

14. A use special materials 使用特殊的材料

15. A take some foods and have a picnic 带一些事物去野餐

16. A watch fireworks 看烟花

17. C young adults 年轻的成年人

18. B kids 孩子们

19. A the whole family 整个家庭

20. C young adults ( Rollercoaster jumping )


Section 3 关于Experiment Design

21. B too difficult ( course of steam engine)

22. E cheap ( breakfast cereal) 早餐谷物

23. C easy to understand 容易理解

24. A very boring 很无聊

25. H take longer than usual to do 比平常花更多的时间

26. F immediate result

27. F metal container

28. C upper strainer

29 D Drip tip

30 A (pottery upper strainer)


Section 4 关于摄影Photography

31. expensive

32. painting

33. realistic

34. books

35. enlargement ( The Frenchman used a camera to make the first enlargement)

36. buildings  (old buildings老建筑)

37. studio

38. critics

39. science

40. glass




大作文: Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Passage 1: Andrew Carnegie: an industrialist

Passage 2: Adventures in comic land

Passage 3: putting the brakes on climate change



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/4715.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2018年6月2日雅思考试答案 大陆区+亚太区 老烤鸭独家解析:等您坐沙发呢!


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