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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Mobile phone 手机 本道题目难度系数适中,所涉及到的手机这个话题也 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Mobile phone 手机


What was your first mobile phone? 你的第一部手机是什么样子的?

Well, the first phone I got was a Motorola smartphone. I couldn’t remember the exact model number but it was a car-shaped flipped phone with a touch screen. It was given by my father as a birthday gift.


Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls? 你经常用你的手机打电话还是发消息?

I make phone calls more often than texting. Normally, I would use it to call my parents who live far away from me. Occasionally, this article is from Laokaoya website, I would dial the customer service numbers of the products I have purchased. I only send text messages when the signal is not good.


Will you buy a new one in the future? 你未来会买一部新手机吗?

I guess I will. My current one was tortured by me for nearly five years. There’s a severe crack on the screen and the battery is deteriorating. So, I guess I will get a new one next summer.


How has your mobile phone changed your life? 手机对你的生活产生了生么样的变化?

Yes, definitely. Since I have my first smartphone, I felt like my life was getting easier especially when it comes to working/studying efficiently. For instance, I have an e-dictionary on my phone, and I can check the unfamiliar vocabulary whenever and wherever I feel there’s a need to. This saves me a lot of time on flipping pages of the paper dictionary.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Mobile phone 手机:等您坐沙发呢!


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