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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an interesting song 描述一首有趣的歌曲/有意思 […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an interesting song 描述一首有趣的歌曲/有意思的歌曲




Describe an interesting song

You should say

What the song is

What story does the song tell

Whether the song is popular

And explain why you think it is interesting




An interesting song that I would like to talk about is from a Chinese American singer called Wang Lee Hom, who was a superstar in China but has been involved in some scandals recently.


The name of the song is Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi, which is literally translated as Things You Don’t Know. It is also the theme song of a very popular movie named Love in Disguise, which depicts a superstar who tries to hide his fame to chase an average girl he falls in love with. And, this article is from Laokaoya website, the song is created to mainly express his love to the girl while keeping lots of his secrets that he finds difficult to disclose.


The song has become quite a hit right after the movie was released to the public in 2010. You know, the melody and the lyrics were both perfect, and many of his fans put this song on loop. Interestingly, when the scandal that Wang has cheated his wife and gave her emotional abuse came out recently, the song once again caught the attention of millions of Chinese gossip listeners.


Well, I guess the main reason why it is interesting is that the lyrics are kind of prophetic. You know, it said that there are lots of other things you don’t know about me. Then, 11 years later, what was written in the song has become a reality.


Part 3 追加问题

Why are some music competitions popular in China?

What kinds of music do young people like?

What kinds of people like traditional music?

What are the differences between live concert and online concert?


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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an interesting song 描述一首有趣的歌曲:等您坐沙发呢!


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