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剑桥雅思16Test2Part3听力高频词汇 Assignment on sleep and dreams




剑桥雅思16Test2Part3听力答案解析 Assignment on sleep and dreams


assignment n. 作业

例句:She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers. 她在希腊为一家星期日报执行一项任务。

assume v. 认为

例句:I had assumed him to be a Belgian. 我本以为他是比利时人。

coincidence n. 巧合

例句:What a coincidence! I wasn’t expecting to see you here. 真巧!我没料到会在这里见到你。

chat n. 聊天

例句:I just called in for a chat. 我只是来聊聊天。

nap n. 小睡,打盹

例句:Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair. 利用午饭时间坐在椅子上打个盹吧。

pattern n. 模式

例句:The murders all seem to follow a similar pattern 这些凶杀案似乎同出一辙。

justify v. 对…做出解释,证明…有道理

例句:How can they justify paying such huge salaries? 他们怎能证明付这么大笔薪金是正当的呢?

ethical adj. 道德的,伦理的

例句:Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising? 通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?

guideline n. 指导原则,准则

例句:The figures are a useful guideline when buying a house. 买房时老烤鸭雅思这些数据很有参考价值。

regulation n. 规定,规则

例句:Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled. 根据新的规定,办公设备开支将受到严格控制。

confused adj. 困惑的,糊涂的

例句:The children gave a confused account of what had happened. 孩子们把发生的事叙述得颠三倒四。

controversial adj. 有争议的

例句:Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures. 温斯顿·邱吉尔和理查德·尼克松都是有争议的人物。

procedure n. 步骤,程序

例句:Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure. 申诉的手续相当简单。

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剑桥雅思16Test2Part3听力高频词汇 Assignment on sleep and dreams:等您坐沙发呢!


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