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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思15 Test 3 Passage 1 亨利·摩尔的生平事迹 剑桥雅思15阅读第三套 […]


雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思15 Test 3 Passage 1 亨利·摩尔的生平事迹



剑桥雅思15Test3Passage1阅读原文翻译 Henry Moore  亨利·摩尔

剑桥雅思15Test3Passage1阅读答案解析 Henry Moore 亨利·摩尔


abandon v. 放弃

例句:The baby had been abandoned by its mother. 这个婴儿被母亲遗弃了。

sculpture n. 雕塑

例句:He collects modern sculpture. 他收藏现代雕塑。

collection n. 收集,收藏品

例句:The painting comes from his private collection. 这幅画来自他的私人收藏。

ancient adj. 古代的,古老的

例句:The ancient painting was purchased for 50,000 francs in 1989. 那幅古画是1989年以5万法郎买下的.

primitive adj. 原始的,远古的

例句:The methods of communication used during the war were primitive by today’s standards. 按今天的标准,大战时期使用的通讯方法非常简陋。

spirit n. 心灵,精神

例句:the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties 人类克服困难的精神力量

fascinate v. 迷恋

例句:It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a boy. 这是他自幼就着迷的问题。

possess v. 拥有,具有

例句:He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence. 他被控无照拥有猎枪。

carve v. 雕刻

例句:The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone. 这座雕像是用整块石料雕成的。

depiction n. 描绘

例句:The book’s strength lay in its depiction of present-day Tokyo. 该书的老烤鸭精彩之处在于其对现今东京的描写。

notorious adj. 声名狼藉的

例句:The country is notorious for its appalling prison conditions. 这个国家因监狱状况恶劣而臭名远扬。

expire v. 到期,终止

例句:When does your driving licence expire? 你的驾照什么时候到期?

inclination n. 倾向,意愿

例句:My natural inclination is to find a compromise. 我生性易于妥协。

distort v. 扭曲

例句:The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice. 他的声音从喇叭里传出来好像失真了。

harsh adj. 粗糙的,严厉的

例句:She was treated very harshly. 她受到了苛刻的对待。

distinct adj. 明显的,独特的

例句:Being tall gave Tony a distinct advantage. 托尼个子高是个明显的优势。

critical adj. 关键的,重要的

例句:One of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition. 大火的一位受害者依然病情危急。

reputation n. 名誉,名声

例句:She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook. 她不久就获得了顶级厨师的名声。

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