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most countries do not recycle their waste like paper, g […]


most countries do not recycle their waste like paper, glass and aluminum cans 雅思写作7分范文



Most countries do not recycle their waste like paper, glass, and aluminum cans. Why does this happen and what steps can be taken to encourage recycling?




In many nations, it is evident that waste materials like paper, glass, and aluminium cans are not recycled to create a new product. Several countries are of the opinion that recycling is a complete waste of time and money. In this essay, I will briefly expose the reasons and the initiatives that must be adopted to motivate people to recycle.



Many people do not recycle because of various reasons. There is a lack of understanding about recycling and its implications among the general public. Despite the fact a majority of people are unaware of how recycling works, they are least concerned about where their garbage ends up. Moreover, this is from Laokaoya website, many of them usually find it difficult to act responsibly or take care of such matters since they are busy with their own lives. People are not interested in making the extra effort. In addition, recycling is perceived as a waste of energy. The fuel used by recycling trucks to move waste materials around is cited as being costly. It is sometimes more expensive to dispose of the trash in the recycling industry.



Numerous measures can be taken in order to rectify the above issue. A few lessons about the benefits of reprocessing can be added to high school curriculums to encourage citizens to take responsibility from an early age. Furthermore, governments need to host forums where the recycling process can be explained to people. The importance of waste reduction can be promoted via TV, newspapers, and billboards to improve the environment and encourage community participation.



In conclusion, recycling waste goods is mandatory for all nationalities to reduce their environmental impact. By conducting different campaigns, the administration should improve the public’s awareness about recycling.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/45501.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

most countries do not recycle their waste like paper, glass and aluminum cans 雅思写作7分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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