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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Car trip 汽车旅行 旅行属于口语考试中的常见话题。大家在第一部分见到的 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Car trip 汽车旅行

旅行属于口语考试中的常见话题。大家在第一部分见到的问题通常不会特别“难缠”,只需要认真回答出自己的所思所想并且言之有理即可。不过,大家需要留意bus和car的区别。car通常指的是私家车或者出租车而非公交。英文词典中car的定义为:A car is a motor vehicle with room for a small number of passengers. 也就是能够带上三四个人的,而非十几号人的机动车。

Do you like to travel by car? 你喜欢汽车旅行吗?

No, I don’t. I actually hate it. I always get motion sickness in the car, especially for a long trip. I remember last spring during the pandemic, my father drove me to my hometown, and I couldn’t help vomiting.


When do you travel by car? 你什么时候坐车旅行?

Well, I only travel by car when I have to. For instance, if I am going to be late for class, I would call a taxi to save more time on my way to school. Plus, this article is from Laokaoya website, during a unpridicatble rainy day, if my friends let me hitch a ride, then I often do so.


Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car? 你做车旅行去过最远的地方在哪里?

I guess it’s Miyunshuiku, which is in the suburb of Beijing. A friend of mine invited me to visit the reservoir there to have fun. And, the most convenient way to get there was by private car. The road trip was long enough for me. But, luckily, I didn’t car sick.


Do you like to sit in the front or back when travelling by car? 你坐车旅行的时候喜欢坐在前排还是后排?

I definitely love to sit in the front as that position helps me to avoid getting severe car sick. You know, the front window allows me to have a wider vision so that I can enjoy the sceneries outside which would divert my attention from the discomfort that a car trip brings me.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Car trip 汽车旅行:等您坐沙发呢!


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