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2021年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文




传送门2021年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案




Work 工作 or study 学习

Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)? 你为什么要选择这个学习项目/工作?

Do you miss being a student? 你怀念做学生的时期吗?

Is it very interesting? 有趣吗?

Do you like your job? 你喜欢现在的工作吗?

Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? 你为啥要选择这个科目? 为啥要学这些科目?

Is it very interesting? 有不有意思?

What subject(s) are you studying? 你目前在学习哪些科目?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? 你喜欢在早上还是下午学习?

Are you looking forward to working? 你期待工作吗?

Do you like your subject? (why/why not?) 你喜欢你的科目吗? 为什么?

Home (your accommodation) 家或宿舍

What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 你居住的什么样的房子?

Do you live in a house or a flat? 你住在单元楼还是独栋房子内?

What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 你过去居住的地方和现在的地方有什么不同?

Can you describe the place where you live? 你能描述一下你居住的地方吗?

Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 那间房子你和你家人呆的时间最多?

How long have you lived there? 你在那里居住多久了?

What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 你平时在你的房子/公寓/房子里做什么?

Do you plan to live there for a long time? 你有没有计划在那里居住很久?

Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 你家的交通设施完善吗?

Please describe the room you live in? 请描述一下你住的房间。

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 你喜欢住在公寓还是独立屋?

What part of your home do you like the most? 你喜欢你家的哪点?

Hometown 家乡

What’s the name of your hometown (again)? 你家乡的名字叫什么来着?

Is that a big city or a small place? 家乡地方大还是小?

How long have you been living there? 你在你的家乡住了多久了?

Do you like your hometown? 你喜欢你的家乡吗?

Is there anything you dislike about it? 有没有不喜欢家乡的地方?

What do you like (most) about your hometown? 你最喜欢你家乡的什么?

Do you like living there? 你喜欢居住在哪儿吗?

Please describe your hometown a little. 请稍微描述一下你的家乡?

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 你觉得你会一直住在你的家乡吗?

The area you live in 居住的区域

Do you like the area that you live in? 你喜欢你居住的地方吗?

What are some changes in the area recently? 最近附近有没有发生什么大的改变?

Do you know any famous people in your area? 你认识附近的名人吗?

Where do you like to go to that area? 在你住的地方区域,你喜欢去哪里?

Decoration 装饰

What is the decoration like in your home?

What kind of decoration do you prefer?

Do Chinese people like redecorating their homes?

What is your favorite color when decorating your home?

Maths 数学

Do you think maths is difficult?

What can people do with maths in their daily life?

Do you learn maths now? Why/why not?

Do students learn maths in secondary schools in China?

TV program 电视节目

What kind of TV programs do you like?

Do you often watch programs on TV or on your cellphone?

Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?

Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched?

Trees 树木

Do you like planting tree? Why?

What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How about your home town?

Have you ever planted trees?

What kinds of trees do you plant?

Farming 农耕

Have you visited a farm?

What kind of farm do you like?

Do you think farming is important?

Did you do farm work when you were young?

New year 新年

How do you celebrate New year?

Do you still remember a new year that you celebrated?

Do you have any ceremonies to celebrate the New Year in your country?

Why do people think New Year is a beginning?

Being happy 高兴

Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?

What do you do to stay happy?

Can you stay happy all the time?

Is it important to be happy?

Taking a rest 休息

How often do you take a rest?

What do you usually do when you are resting?

Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?

How do you feel after taking a nap?

Reading 阅读

Do you like reading?

Do you like to read at home or in other places?

In what places do you think it is difficult to read?

Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?

Getting up early 早起

Do you often get up early in the morning?

What do you usually do when you get up early?

Do you get up early on weekends?

Which morning do you like best in a week?

Singing 唱歌

Do you like singing?

When do you sing?

Will you take singing lessons in the future?

Did you enjoy singing when you were young?

Name 名字

Is it easy for you to remember people’s names?

How do you remember people’s names?

How do you feel when people cannot remember your name?

Do you often forget people’s names?

Window view 窗外景色

What scenery can you see from the window of your home/dormitory?

Do you like to watch the scenery from your window?

Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views?

How do you feel when you cannot see any beautiful view from your window?

Museum 博物馆

Do you think museums are important?

Are there any museums in your hometown?

Do you often visit a museum?

When was the last time you visited a museum?

Home country 祖国

Which part of your country do you want to live in?

What makes you feel proud of your country?

Do you know the history of your country well?

Will you stay in China in the future?

Special costumes 特殊的服装

Do you like wearing special costumes?

Did you try any special costumes when you were young?

When was your last time to wear special costumes?

Do you ever buy special costumes?

Barbecue 烧烤

Do Chinese people like barbecue?

What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

Flowers 鲜花

What kinds of flowers do you know?

Are there any flowers that have special meanings in China?

Have you planted any flowers?

Have you sent flowers to others?

Advertisement 广告

What kinds of advertisements do you watch?

Where can you see advertisement?

Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

Relax 放松

What would you do to relax?

Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?

Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?

Do you think students need more relaxing time?

Car trip 汽车旅行

Do you like to travel by car?

When you travel by car?

Where is the farthest place you have travelled to by car?

Do you like to sit in the front or back when travelling by car?

Environmental protection 环境保护

Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

How can we protect the environment?

Do you think you have done enough to protect the environment?

Is there education about environmental protection in school?

Primary School 小学

What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?

How did you go to your primary school?

How do you like your primary school?

What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school?

Sky and star 天空与星星

Do you like to look at the sky? Why?

Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?

Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

Wallet 钱包

Do you use a wallet?

Have you ever lost a wallet?

Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift?

Do most of your friends use wallet?

Wild animals 野生动物

Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?

Did you learn something about wild animals at school?

Where can you see wild animals?

In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?

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