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2021年4月10日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2 虽然说今天雅思听力的出题不太符合常规。Part 1直接给 […]


2021年4月10日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2

虽然说今天雅思听力的出题不太符合常规。Part 1直接给了选择,而Part3则以填空为主。但整体难度并不是很大。阅读部分前两篇还行,部分同学反馈第三篇会比较难一些。写作部分小作文是柱状图和折线图的混合,而大作文则要求大家探讨自行车不受欢迎的原因,以及相应的解决方案。下面是老烤鸭小编根据考生会议整理的这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。

P.S. 今天我们的雅思听力预测中了Part2,目前有4月17日的预测,只适用于大陆地区的考试,不中退款,有需要的同学可以点击下方链接了解详情:老烤鸭雅思听力考试预测


Part1 房屋租赁


1-6 填空

1. Sarah is sharing the flat with her cousin

2. first she must contact landlord’s service manager for all the repair

3. repair fee: it may cost her 50 pounds

4. Sarah can contact private company for emergency repair much quicker

5. Sarah can be contacted by mobile phone

6. She needs to sign the agreement after all the repair

7-10 单选

7. What is the problem with the bathroom window?

B. the lock needs to be checked

8. when the electricity can be repaired?

A. examine the electricity first

9. Central heating system? Or what can be done to the lighting system

A. check

10. what was the additional broken in the main hall

C. carpet

Part 2 昆士兰旅游


11-16 单选

11. why did Jane choose Tuesday’s exhibition

B. not many people in Tuesday

12. when is the educational entertainment performance held?

A. every afternoon

13. 历史爱好者可以去哪里?

C. location of an old city hall

14. the distinctive feature for the cuisine festivals?

B. great musicians/a popular singer

15. why people choose to buy tickets in library

A. cheaper one with discount

16. 这个展览还有个比较有意思的地方?

B. people can have diner inside the train cabinet

17-20 多选

17-18. what is included in the family ticket?

B. book for children

C. flag

19-20. about voting, what are mentioned?

A. regardless of the voting ages

D. one person can vote several times

Part 3 确认课堂演讲时间以及所需资料


21-22 填空

21. time: early evening. 另一版本为:Date: 14th to 20th June

22. you need to do a report to seminar group

23-24 多选

items you have to take

C. list of objectives

E. project outline

25-30 填空


25. did you do wide reading

26. give a clear argument

27. how well you can do to design research


28. theory chapters

29. the thins you get: checklist

30. get information from: www.studentlink.com

Part 4 儿童心理学


Past Today
Researchers only concentrate on cognition, emotion, behavior 31. kids’ awareness of peers are being connected
32. kids’ behaviors are related to animal experiment in laboratories 33. children’s behavior has relationship with their background
34. they hold that children are passive learners 35.gene determines children’s personality
36. Piaget’s researcher focused on learning 37. focus more on stimulating
38. psychologists think kids are self-centred 39. experiment which raised a kid years in a house

40. research aim in the future?

C. education before baby’s born


2021年1-4月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2021年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Many people believe that bicycle is a healthy and environmentally-friendly mode of transport. However, it is no longer the main form of transport. What are the reasons? What could be done to encourage the use of bicycles among the wider population?

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/39845.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2021年4月10日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2:等您坐沙发呢!


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