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雅思口语Part 3: Should parks be built in big cities? 大城市里应该 […]

雅思口语Part 3: Should parks be built in big cities? 大城市里应该建造公园吗?




It is of great importance to built parks in those large cities. You know in China, the environment seems not that good compared to other cities abroad. People like me are sick of the polluted air in cities like Beijing. You wouldn’t wait long to see an increasing number of citizens being in an unhealthy physical condition. So, if parks were built, trees would definitely become more and more, which would greatly reduce the air pollution. Plus, parks are also ideal places to kill time for the elderly people if their daughters and sons are too busy to look after them.

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雅思口语Part 3: Should parks be built in big cities? 大城市里应该建造公园吗?:等您坐沙发呢!


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