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雅思口语part 3: 关于找工作和退休 What age do people want to retire […]


雅思口语part 3: 关于找工作和退休

What age do people want to retire in your country?


大多数的人们, 当然觉得越早越好。因为,当钱不再是个问题的时候,没有人想工作更久一些,对吧?在春节的时候,经常听亲戚长辈们说他们很讨厌最新的延迟退休年龄的政策。所以我猜如果要求大家,比如女人55岁退休男人60退休,他们肯定会觉得不太乐意。

Well, for the most people, I think the earlier the better. Because it’s money is not a big issue, nobody wants to work longer right?During the spring festival, this artilce is from Laokaoya website, I often heard from my older relatives that they were sick of the recent policy of setting a higher age limit of retirement. So I guess they wouldn’t feel comfortable if the policy requires us to retire after say women at 55 and men at 60.


Would young people in your country like to open up their own business or find jobs?



I think most young people in my nati0n would like to find jobs. This is not only because of their own perspectives but also their parents would think to find a decent and stable job would be far better than creating their own companies, which sometimes put you in different risks. For instance, to themselves and their parents, public service like a position in a government is definitely what they really want to have.

相关重点问题:How can people improve their job performance? 如何提升工作表现

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/2812.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part 3: 关于找工作和退休:等您坐沙发呢!


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