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新年越来越近,不知道各位烤鸭们到目前为止有没有考出个理想的成绩,从而可以好好过个年。老烤鸭小编根据网上各位同学 […]




Section 1: 车坏了,妇女打电话求助


1-10 填空

1. Name: Wollowey 姓名拼写

2. Address: Flat 6 六号公寓

3. The number of car: RH139YS 车牌号(也有同学回忆的是pk13hs)

4. NX55JGY

5. The type and the color of the car: metallic grey 金属灰

6. Cannot walk very well 行走

7. Present location: in a petrol station 加油站

8. Cross a bridge

9. Transfer to a hotel 宾馆

10. Length of time to get help: within 30 minutes 30分钟


Section 2: 海边小岛的流行项目


11-13 单选

11.  Where is the information board?

A at the reception in the village

12. Which sport you must book in advance?

B water-skiing

13. Ticket include?

C safety helmet

14-17 填空题

14. Wildlife park be recommended for family/families 单复数存在争议

15. Children are permitted to feed animals 喂动物

16. Red kangaroo is larger than a person 比人大

17. Crocodilian live at least 50 years 50年

18-20 匹配题

18. C buy some souvenirs

19. D visit EMU farm

20. E visit cheese production


Section 3: 作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的故事


21-26 单选

21. 作者与莎士比亚的共同之处在于?

B appeal to the public / popular in public

22.What surprise Olive the most when she read the Christie’s book?

B in simple words

23. What does the student say about the Christie’s biography?

A she always keeps a traditional way of thinking

24. What does the students say about Christie’s novel being turned into a film?

C television programs are not so successful as the cinema versions

25. What do students agree in terms of Christie’s marriage

C her husband works have inspired her

26. What does all Olivia say about a journalists comment on Christie?

A amused by stories a lot

27-30 匹配

27. The performance scrip – B adapted to the local audience

28. The design of stage – F people not surprised at all

29. The light – C too complicated

30. The costume – D well researched


Section 4: 人与人之间的信任问题


31-40 填空


31.When kindness occurs, oxygen will be released

32. Understanding trust can help reduce poverty

33. Trust involves a risk

34. Trust people would be hurt

35. Pay attention to recognize a person’s face

36. In a animal test, oxytocin be released when interaction occurs

37. The second participant has no obligation to return the money

38. No expectation of getting money back

39. The lender has higher level of oxytocin

40. Oxytocin can be seen as a kind of social glue



第一篇文章: 捕蝇草






孩子睡前活动的柱状图大作文:The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous governments’ expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and road development.
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2018年2月3日雅思考试答案 老烤鸭独家解析:等您坐沙发呢!


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