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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Jokes & Comedies 笑话与喜剧 笑话与喜剧也算是我们日常 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Jokes & Comedies 笑话与喜剧


Are you good at telling jokes? 你擅长说笑话吗?

I do not know, but I do like telling jokes to my friends. Sometimes, it works pretty well, causing a big laugh among them. But sometimes, what I think is pretty funny does not hit their laughing point, and then there would be a moment of awkward silence. So, I guess my ability to tell jokes varies according to the specific joke and situation.


Do your friends like to tell jokes? 你朋友喜欢说笑话吗?

Some of them do. Some of them do not. But I have to admit all of my roommates are genius in telling jokes. Even a trivial thing can become quite hilarious through their narrative.


Do you like to watch comedies? 你喜欢看喜剧吗?

Yes, I do. It is a good way to kill time, not to mention that it can cheer me up when I am down.  My favourite comedy is the American TV series, Friends. In fact, I have watched it this article is from Laokaoya website like 5 or 6 times, but their performance can still make me laugh out aloud.


Have you ever watched a live show? 你看过现场秀吗?

No, I have not. The price of live show tickets is way beyond my affordability. As a student who does not have any income and still needs my parents’ sponsorship, attending a live show means I have to spend a month without food to save enough money.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Jokes & Comedies 笑话与喜剧:等您坐沙发呢!


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