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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:swimming 游泳 Do you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:swimming 游泳

Do you like swimming?


Sure, it’s definitely one of my most favorite sports. I sometimes go swimming with my little brother during the weekends to stay in shape. I always got some fat on my belly if I stop swimming for a while.


Is it difficult to learn how to swim?


I think it’s a piece of cake for me. Sometimes people say it’s really hard for you to learn unless you’re forced to try it. It goes the same with swimming. I picked it up just by jumping into the water and trying to imitate others in the pool.


Where do Chinese like to go swimming?


Most people loved to swim in the river in the past, to my knowledge. But now, the majority of Chinese peope go swimming in the swimming pool. Because it’s quite safe to swim in the swimming pool, plus, there’s actually no river in big cities like Beijing to swim.


What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?


It seems that the biggest difference is the level of safety. Obviously, you might easily get hurt by some dangerous creatures or nasty things in the sea water. However, you don’t always worry about the quality of the water in the swimming pool. Because there are staff to help clean the dirts in the water.


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