剑桥雅思6Test4听力Section2答案解析 独家
剑桥雅思6听力第四套题目第二部分由3道匹配和7道表格填空构成,题目难度不算太大,比较符合目前雅思听力Section 2的水平。但后面的表格在现在雅思听力中出现的比较少,更多的都是选择或者地图,大家要稍微注意一下。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
雅思备考听力篇 剑6 test 4 section 2 雅思听力高频词汇
剑桥雅思6 Test4 Section2听力答案解析
对应原文:Now, we’ve also put the entrance staff on the red team and you’ll be stamping the entrance tickets and giving out publicity leaflets
答案解析:匹配题中,如果大家看到选项觉得不太可能替换,那么出题人往往就会在题干和干扰项上做手脚。这道匹配就是这样。一方面,在提到checking entrance tickets之前说了很多其他任务,消耗大家的耐心。另一方面,又在说完答案之后提到distributing entrance tickets来干扰大家。遇到这种文章来自老烤鸭雅思匹配,除了注意同义替换之外,还一定要小心题干,看所听内容是否符合题干要求。
对应原文:so the chefs among you and the kitchen hands will all need a blue T-shirt
对应原文:Those who will be monitoring and directing the traffic in the car parks are on the green team
对应原文: Anne will be explaining when and how you get this. She will also be handing out your tax forms.
答案解析:人名提示大家答案即将到来,通过give out与handing out的同义替换锁定答案位置。难点主要在于一些同学对于tax一词不太熟悉,容易写成text。
对应原文:He will also go through the security arrangements with you
第16题答案:ground floor
对应原文: there will be a coffee break in the staff canteen, which is located down on the ground floor.
答案解析:staff canteen提示答案即将出现,根据空前介词on可以锁定gournd floor。这里存在一点文化差异。在英国,ground floor指的其实是1楼,而1楼其实对应我们国内的2楼。大家可以提前熟悉一下。
第17题答案:lecture room 311
对应原文:we’ll be moving to a different location for a video presentation, so instead of coming back here, we’d like you all to go to Lecture Room three-one-one
答案解析:video presentation提示答案即将出现,go to原词重现,很容易确定答案。Lecture room其实就是教室的意思。
第18题答案:Safety at Work
对应原文:you will be shown a video about important safety issues in the workplace, called Safety at Work.
第19题答案:Main hall
对应原文:and we’ll be serving you a buffet lunch in the Main Hall
答案解析:根据前一单元格中的buffet lunch定位答案所在句子。Hall这个单词因为发音问题,往往会读的比较轻一些,需要额外注意一下。
第20题答案:team leaders
对应原文:After lunch you’ll be divided up into your teams to meet your team leaders
答案解析:虽然前一单元格中的时间提示没有出现,但空前词meet在录音中原词重现,比较容易锁定答案为team leaders。
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