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结婚率与离婚率-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文 Marriage and Divorce S […]


结婚率与离婚率-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文 Marriage and Divorce Statistics



The bar charts below show the Marriage and Divorce Statistics for eight countries in 1981 and 1994.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

结婚率与离婚率 雅思小作文题目


The given bar graphs show information on marriage and divorce in eight countries for the years 1981 and 1994. As is observed from the presentation, the marriage rate in all the countries except Denmark decreased over time while divorce rate has increased in five out of eight countries.


As is presented in the bar graph, the marriage rate in 1981 in the USA was the highest among the given countries and that was more than 10 per thousand. In other European countries, namely the United Kingdom, Finland, France, Italy, Denmark, the marriage rate was around 6 per thousand. Denmark had the lowest rate of marriage in 1981 which was around 5/ thousand. After 15 years the marriage rate decreased in all of the given countries except in Denmark, where the rate increased by almost 2/thousand. The only Asian country Japan had very little changes in their marriage rate.

如柱状图所示,1981年美国的结婚率在特定国家中最高,超过千分之十。在其他欧洲国家,即英国,芬兰,法国,意大利,丹麦,结婚率约为千分之六。丹麦在1981年结婚率最低,约为5 /千。15年后,所有给定的结婚率都下降了,丹麦除外,丹麦的结婚率上升了近千分之二。唯一的亚洲国家-日本的结婚率变化很小。

From the divorce statistics, we can see that the highest rate of divorce was in the USA which was more than 4 per thousand. The divorce rate increased in 1994 compared to the rate in 1981 in all the countries except in the USA and Denmark. Italy had the lowest divorce rate among the given countries and there was no change in this rate for the given 2 years in Germany.



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结婚率与离婚率-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文 Marriage and Divorce Statistics:等您坐沙发呢!


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