剑桥雅思6Test2听力Section4答案解析 the history of moving pictures
雅思备考听力篇 剑6 test 2 section 4 雅思听力高频词汇
剑桥雅思6 Test 2 Section 4听力答案解析
对应原文:all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos
答案解析:这道题唯一的难点在于识别hooves和feet的同义替换。不过录音中稍靠前面提示了four feet or hooves,所以难度不算太大。
对应原文:moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system
对应原文:The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film.
答案解析:原文中确实提到了选项A中的only one person,但说的是同一时间只有一个人能看,而非一个人能拍。选项B完全没有提到。选项C中的very heavy则是被替换成了具体的数字,由此确定答案。
对应原文:Well now, news of the new system in America travelled fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it.
答案解析:题目本身并不难,考点仅仅是be told about与heard的同义替换而已,但因为答案离上一道题目很近,稍微犹豫一些就会错过。
对应原文:Then in 1895, three systems were all developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was by the Lumière Brothers from France
答案解析:首先,录音中明确提到了independently of each other,即互相独立完成,因此排除选项B。其次,cinema来源于法国人发明的系统,而非德国人,同样排除。因此确定答案为A。
对应原文:A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played – a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.
答案解析:这道题稍微需要一些背景知识。最起码得了解放映机一般包含两个轮子用于固定胶片,然后就会比较好做一些。听到two wheels即可确定答案。
对应原文: the simple addition of a third reel between the two main reels, and this took all the tension away with the result that the film stopped snapping
答案解析:录音中提到的是加了第三个轮子,而非加三个轮子,因此排除B。C选项完全没提到。而A选项中的remove被替换成take away,因此判断答案为A。
第38题答案:Great Train Robbery
对应原文:and this led to the making of The Great Train Robbery – the very first movie made
答案解析:解题存在两个障碍。一是题目采用了语序颠倒的出题方式,本应在前面起提示作用的first被放在了答案后面。二是great train robbery作为专有名词,无法根据上下文事先推测含义。所以哪怕不少同学都听到了这一点,却没有识别出具体的词汇。
第39题答案:Sound effects
对应原文:and the first step towards this was in 1926 when sound effects were first used on a film
第40题答案:poor sound quality
对应原文: I believe they put subtitles on the film – that is, they printed the dialogue along the bottom of the film to compensate for this poor sound quality
答案解析:题目存在两个难点,一是说完subtitles这一提示词之后,后面又加了一句解释,导致不少同学错误的以为答案在这一句解释中,进而忽略了后一句。二是好不容易听到答案之后只写了sound quality,漏掉了poor导致扣分。