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剑桥雅思5 Test 3阅读Passage 2答案解析 Disappearing Delta 正在消失的三角洲 […]


剑桥雅思5 Test 3阅读Passage 2答案解析 Disappearing Delta 正在消失的三角洲

剑桥雅思5阅读第三套题目第二篇文章的13道题由4道段落标题匹配,6道TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN,和3道总结型选词填空组成。难度较大,尤其是前面的段落标题匹配需要通读全文才行,很容易出现时间不够用的情况。下面是具体每道题的解析。


雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思5 test 3 passage 2 尼罗河三角洲

剑桥雅思5 Test 3阅读Passage 2原文翻译 Disappearing Delta 消失的三角洲

剑桥雅思5 Test 3 Passage 2阅读答案解析


对应原文:B部分:Up to now, people have blamed this loss of delta land on the two large dams at Aswan in the south of Egypt, which hold back virtually all of the sediment that used to flow down the river.

解析:B部分主要说明了修建大坝阻拦了沉积物,使它们无法流向河流。即打断了原有的自然生态。与iv的interrupting a natural process对应,因此确定答案。


对应原文:D部分:The water in the irrigation canals is still or very slow-moving and thus cannot carry sediment…So very little of it actually reaches the coastline to replace what is being washed away by the Mediterranean currents.

解析:这部分主要介绍了灌溉渠中水流速度较慢,无法携带沉积物,导致海岸流失的水土得不到补充。对应i选项的effects of irrigation on sedimentation,由此确定答案。


对应原文:E部分:The farms on the delta plains and fishing and aquaculture in the lagoons account for much of Egypt’s food supply … These poisons can easily enter the food chain, affecting the productivity of fishing and farming.

解析:E部分先说了该地区是埃及的粮食主产区,又说它受到各种各样的污染,会影响粮食和鱼类产量,对应v选项中的The threat to food production,尤其是food production,因此确定答案。


对应原文:F部分:but principally because they fear the impact this situation could have on the whole Mediterranean coastal ecosystem…however, that in the long term



对应原文:A部分:In the past, land scoured away from the coastline by the currents of the Mediterranean Sea used to be replaced by sediment brought down to the delta by the River Nile, but this is no longer happening.


第19题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:B部分:people have blamed this loss of delta land on the two large dams at Aswan in the south of Egypt

解析:文中确实提到人们将三角洲的土壤流失归咎于阿斯旺大坝,但这一观点在大坝修建前有没有表示过则完全没有提到。因此判断为NOT GIVEN


对应原文:B部分:But when the Aswan dams were constructed … most of the sediment with its natural fertilizer accumulated up above the dam in the southern

解析:文中列举了很多大坝的目的,如果仅仅根据这些目的的话我们只能判断这道题为NOT GIVEN,因为文章来自老烤鸭雅思不知道增加土壤肥沃程度究竟是存在但没提,还是根本就不存在。判断该陈述为NO的原因主要是后面半句,即它将自然肥料都堆积在了上游,这与增加土壤肥力完全相反,因此判断为NO


对应原文:C部分:noticed that water samples taken in Cairo, just before the river enters the delta, indicated that the river sometimes carries more than 850 grams of sediment per cubic metre of water … There is still a lot of sediment coming into the delta

解析:文章C部分的前半段提到了水流中沉积物的含量,但该数字究竟是高是低却完全没有明说。隔了几句之后才有提到仍然有大量的沉积物到来。对应题干中的relatively high。因此确定答案为YES

第22题答案:NOT GIVEN


解析:与灌溉用水相关的内容主要出现在D部分。但这部分主要说的是灌溉用水水流较慢,无法携带沉积物。对于是否会引发洪水则没有提及。因此判断为NOT GIVEN


对应原文:D部分:The sediment sinks to the bottom of the canals…pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoons



对应原文:E部分:Pollutants are building up faster and faster

解析:根据题干上的in addition to the problems of coastal erosion和我们之前所做的段落标题匹配,确定答案应该在E段和F段之中,又因为这里说的是问题而非解决方案,排除F段。发现E段中的building up与题干中的increase对应,由此确定答案为pollutants


对应原文:F部分:In the immediate future, Stanley believes that one solution would be to make artificial floods to flush out the delta waterways

解析:根据题干中in the short term与原文中in the immediate future的对应定位到这个句子,然后即可很轻易的确定答案为A选项artifical floods


对应原文:F段: in the long term an alternative process such as desalination may have to be used to increase the amount of water available

解析:根据In the long term定位到这句话。题干中的through在这里表示通过什么方式的意思,因此确定答案为desalination

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剑桥雅思5 Test 3阅读Passage 2答案解析 Disappearing Delta:等您坐沙发呢!


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