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雅思口语备考之part 3问题 How can charitable organizations help p […]


雅思口语备考之part 3问题 How can charitable organizations help people?慈善组织如何帮助他人?


Well, to my knowledge, charities have a lot of ways of helping those who are in need. For instance, the most well-known charity Red Cross, not the most reputable in China though, have some posters in public places to raise money and used those fund to purchase some regular meals for children in remote rural areas. Also, they sometimes invite celebrities to be the representatives to break down the bias and discrimination against the AIDS-affected people.


下一题:What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?

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雅思备考之雅思口语part 3问题 How can charitable organizations help people?慈善组织如何帮助他人?:等您坐沙发呢!


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