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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:hometown 家乡 What’s the name of your hom […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:hometown 家乡

What’s the name of your hometown (again)?

I come from Beijing, which is one of the most important and vibrant cities in all of China. Some people say that the sun never really sets on Beijing, meaning that there’s always something exciting happening in the city. I think that I agree with this!


Is that a big city or a small place?

Oh, well Beijing is definitely a really big city… It’s much bigger than any city in Canada. I think that the population of Beijing is around twenty million, which is really impressive if you think about it.


How long have you been living there?

I grew up in Beijing, and I never really had to move until I moved to university. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, I guess I lived there for eighteen years! And plus, my family still lives there, so maybe one day I’ll go back.


Do you like your hometown?  

I really loved growing up in Beijing, because it gives me a lot of important life lessons. For example, growing up in such a busy city taught me how to be responsible at a very young age, like never littering about and always watching out for the cars. You have to be really careful in Beijing.


Is there anything you dislike about it?

I guess that I hated how crowded the city was during the summer… There are already over twenty-million people who live in Beijing, and once tourists start to come in June, it’s really hard to get around in the city.


What do you like (most) about your hometown?

I definitely enjoyed my time in Beijing, because I learned lots of really important lessons that I think will help me later in life. For example, I learned how to use public transportation in very busy places.


Please describe your hometown a little.

Well, Beijing is a really, really big place, and so it’s hard to describe the city without mentioning how busy and crowded it can sometimes get. During the summer, it’s almost impossible to actually get around in the city, because millions of tourists come to visit.


Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Well, now that I’m a student I don’t actually live in Beijing anymore. Even during the summers, this article is from Laokaoya website, I only go back to visit for a few weeks. My parents really wanted me to become independent, so that’s why I decided to move out.


Do you still live in your hometown?

No, I don’t live in Beijing anymore. Now that I’m going to school I had to move out because my parents wanted me to gain some independence. I think that I agree with their decision. Living on my own has been a really great experience.


Where do you want to live in the future?

That’s a good question, and I’m really not sure that I know right now. I guess that one day it would be nice to live in Canada, or in the United States… I’ve also considered moving to Europe one day. It really depends on where my family and my career take me!


Can you tell me about some famous landscape/scenic spots in your hometown?

One of the most beautiful scenic spots in Beijing is definitely the downtown core. There are lots of really big skyscrapers. I mean, the architecture is absolutely breathtaking. I think that everyone should try to visit Beijing in their lives.



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