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Is music education important in your country?音乐教育在你的国家重 […]


Is music education important in your country?音乐教育在你的国家重要吗? Part Three雅思口语解析


Yes, I think music education is as much as the soft power to a nation as it is the overall development of a generation. We receive music education so that we can better appreciate the beauty of the world, which enables us to build up a holistic development in our entire life. Once most of us in the society get a better education in music, our nation will become more prosperous because of our increasing number of high-quality talents. :idea:

是的,我认为音乐教育对一个国家的发展很重要,它不仅仅是一个国家软实力的代表,也帮助了一代人的发展提高。我们接受了音乐教育才能更好的欣赏世间的美,这也促进了我们人生自我综合的发展。一旦一个国家的大多数人接受了良好的音乐教育,我们的高素质的人才就会越来越多,国家就会越来越兴旺。 ;-)

好了,来思考一下这道问题 Some people say music is like math, do you agree?

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Is music education important in your country?音乐教育在你的国家重要吗? 雅思口语解析:等您坐沙发呢!


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