2019年12月14日雅思考试答案 大陆卷
今天的雅思考试题目中规中矩,适合分手。听力部分语速平缓,题目简短,除了Section 4的答案单词稍微有点难之外就没有什么槽点了。阅读文章同样平平无奇。写作部分的大作文甚至也是老生常谈的消费主义/浪费主题。希望各位同学可以抓住机会,彻底告别雅思。老烤鸭小编根据网上考生的回忆,收集整理了这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。
Section 1 为妻子准备surprise party
1. number: 80 people 有80人参加
2. date: Friday 26th September 日期是9月26日周五
3. room type: king room 大床房
4. type of cake: lemon 蛋糕类型要柠檬的
5. 写在蛋糕上:congratulation 祝贺
6. type of music: jazz 要爵士乐
7. 餐饮类型:table
8. card number: 54412008887 考察数字
9. name: Sebastian 考察姓名拼写
10. Pay extra fee: service 服务要另外收费
Section 2 介绍某个帮助残疾人的组织
21-22 单选
21. Joanna normally gets up at? 乔安娜一般什么时候起床?
B. 6.30 am
22. Joanna’s first task of the day is 乔安娜每天的第一个任务是
B. organize his son 打理自己的孩子
23-24 填空
23. have 22 riders and 40 helpers on the list 名单上有22个骑手和40个帮手
24. with 25 of whom on regular 其中25个人是经常参与到的
25-28 匹配
25. correspondence: B. she does not mind it
26. fundraising: C. she hates it
27. calling riders: A. she likes it
28. accounts: C. she hates it
29-30 多选
29-30. Things that RDA should improve 该组织需要提升的地方在于?
B. raise fund more efficiently 更加有效的募集资金
E. recognizes the difficulties for disabled riders 认识到残疾骑手的困难
Section 3 课堂讨论
21-24 多选
21-22. Which two topics were the aims of the geography lesson related to? 地理课程的两项目的是什么?
A. international reliance 国际上的互相依靠
E. development of writing tools 写作工具的开发
23-24. which two problems do the students agree to identify in their lesson? 学生同意在他们的课堂上指出哪两个问题?
B. student grouping 学生分组
E. timing 时间点
25-30 流程图填空
25. mark the top producers on the world map 在世界地图上标出顶级生产商的位置
26. advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport 不同类型交通的优势和劣势
27. history of pencil making 铅笔制造的历史
28. complete the worksheet of pencil coat 完成练习册
29. predict the future of pencil 预测铅笔的未来
30. give a talk at the end 最后做讲话
Section 4 最古老的机械电脑
31-40 填空
31. it was in the cargo of a ship that sank about 2000 years ago 它在一艘2000年前沉船的货仓里
32. people find an item that was assumed to be a lump of rock 一开始人们认为它是块石头
33. one machine, called a Dome, can take photographs with light coming from diffrerent angles 可以用不同角度的光线来拍摄照片
34. this has made far more of the inscriptions on the mechanism legible 揭示了机器上的铭文
35. the blade runner was originally designed to examine engines for cracks 一开始是用于检测机器上是否有裂缝的
36. the mechanism is thought to have been mounted in a wood frame 该机制是通过木制框架来实现的
37. the person simply rotated a handle to operate the gear wheels 只需要转动把手就可以操作轮子
38. the mechanism could predict when an eclipse 机器可以预测什么时候发生日月食
39. it helped in planning the timing for the agricultural and religious calendar of events 帮助计算农业宗教事项的日历
40. a number of clocks were made, providing astronomical information as well as showing the time of day 做出了一系列的钟表
In many countries, today people are living in a ‘throwaway society’, where things are used in a short time and then thrown away. What are its causes? What are its problems?