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雅思口语科技词汇解析 备考积累 很多雅思考生们会把雅思写作task2的学术用于和口头用语以及非正式语言弄混淆。 […]


雅思口语科技词汇解析 备考积累



technology (n)

technologies (名词的复数形式)

technological (形容词)


Why Men Like Gadgets 为什么男人喜欢科技产品

Be it communication devices, play station, music systems, sports gear, cars, and other electronic equipment, men share a special relationship with gadgets. It’s only when a woman understands her man’s fondness for these gizmos, are they able to balance their relationship with them. Here’s why men belives in romancing their gadgets:

Sense of freedom 自由感

For most men, the cell phone, or their wireless PDA and compact notebook are symbols of freedom. The mere fact that they own one such gadget makes a man feel unbound. Men can store huge piece of information in his tiny device and feel confident.

Sense of power 力量感

Gadgets like laser pointers provide a sense of power to men. Men love to feel powerful and gadgets enhance their supremacy, at least they feel so. The SUV cars and high-speed Internet connections are all demonstrations of power for men.

Ego-boosters 提高自尊心

Funkiest cars, tiniest video camera, expensive function-laden watch, and the fastest computer all these work as ego-boosters for men. In fact, men use gadgets to impress each other. Arm wrestling, bike racing or drinking competitions are no more the ways to prove masculinity; it’s these gadgets that do the trick now. They are the new way to show off wealth, taste, advancement and knowledge.

Gadgets lure women 科技产品吸引女人

A classy car, latest cell phone, expensive watches, and other gadgets, men think, help impress women.

Need to fidget  (fidget一词有坐立不安、使烦乱的意思)

Men often have a tendency to get restless easily and gadgets contribute to the cause. This article is from Laokaoya website. Television remote control, mobile phones, laptops are few perfect examples of “fidgeting gadgets” men tend to use.

Stress buster 减压物

Men prefer to avoid talking about the subject that’s giving them stress and gadgets often work as a stress buster in such situations. Engaging themselves in gadgets is the way men choose to de-stress themselves.

继续积累:雅思植物词汇 考前必读


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