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2019年11月2日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 继上次难出天际的听力之后,这次轮到雅思阅读让人欲哭无泪。尤其是第三篇 […]


2019年11月2日雅思考试答案 大陆卷



Section 1 搬家场景


1-10 填空

1. things need to be consigned: piano 需要打包的物品是钢琴

2. things need to be carried: an ancient mirror 需要搬运的物品是古董镜子

3. a coffee table 咖啡桌

4. the door is made of glass 门是玻璃制成的

5. Address: 44, Harrivale Street 考察地址

6. price: 232.5 考察数字

7. not including insurance 没有包含保险

8. when is the collection time: in the morning 早上的时候过来搬东西

9. collect things near the side door 在侧门那里搬

10. parking: besides the garage of the house 停在房子的车库旁边

Section 3 关于公司管理的论文


21-25 匹配

21. pest: C. have little use to their study 对于他们的研究几乎没用

22. drill down method: E. hard to use 很难使用

23. Pareto analysis: D. too long 耗时太长

24. PMI analysis: A. save business time and effort 节省时间和精力

25. SWOT analysis: F. suit any sized companies 适用于任何大小的公司

26-30 选择题

26. what is the most useful in the future for manufactory? 对于制造业来说,未来最有用的东西是?

B. experience of staff and employees 员工的经验

27. what is the tutor’s suggestion of manufactory’s strengths? 导师认为制造业的优势在于?

B. oversea expansion opportunities 海外扩张的机会

28. which one impresses the tutor to the greatest extent? 哪方面让导师印象最为深刻?

B. the new legislation 新的法律

29. the man thinks that the most difficult part of the investigations is 男性认为调查最困难的部分在于

C. difference between practice and theory 理论和实践之间的差别

30. What should be improved in the students’ report? 学生的报告中有什么需要提高的地方?

A. give a final determination 做出最后的决定

Section 4 就业调查


31-40 填空

31. interviewees from business management 来自商业管理专业的访谈者

32. two research methods: email questionnaires and phone interviews 两种研究方法:调查问卷和电话访谈

33. majority: salary 大多数人关心薪水

34. 50% of interviewees want a diploma 一半人希望有资质

35. working in public sectors 在公共部门工作

36. working in a team 在团队中工作

37. problem solving 解决问题

38. presentations 讲演能力

39. advice on essay writing 对于写论文的建议

40. advice on finding jobs/a job 对于找工作的建议








The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same job or the same conditions of work for life. Discuss the possible causes of this rapid change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future?

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2019年11月2日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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