2019年10月19日雅思考试答案 亚太卷
今天雅思地区的考试题目难度与大陆地区相似。听力部分,Section 1考察的内容为周末旅行,Section 2介绍了一名艺术家和他的作品,而Section 4则是关于伦敦地铁的内容。写作部分要求大家探讨通勤时间越来越长的好坏(不过小编很怀疑花很长时间在上学或者上班的路上有什么好处)。老烤鸭小编根据网上考生的回忆,整理了这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。
Section 1 旅游场景
1-10 填空
1. hotel room has the view of the garden 宾馆房间有花园的风景
2. go to the private beach 前往私人沙滩
3. dinner on the top roof terrace 在顶层露台的晚餐
4. special talk 特殊的演讲
5. travel to a museum 前往图书馆
6. visit a studio where ornaments made from glass 参观用玻璃做装饰的工作室
7. coach to opera 去往歌剧院的大巴
8. can book a massage 可以预订按摩
9. climbing by donkey 做驴子爬山
10. especially grilled lamb 特别定制的烤羊羔
Section 4 伦敦地铁
31. one of the features of London underground is deep 伦敦地铁的一个特征是很深
32. it did not consider population growth 它没有考虑到人口的增长
33. the vent is often blocked by newspapers 通风口经常被报纸堵住
34. passengers on the platforms often feel hotter 站台上的乘客觉得更热
35. engineers should take security into account 工程师需要考虑安全问题
36. park would be damage 公园会遭到破坏
37. fans 风扇
38. water 水
39. street 街道
40. tourism 旅游业
Many people spend more and more time going to work or school. Some people think the situation is positive, while others think it is negative. Discuss both views and give your opinion.