2019年10月12日雅思考试答案 大陆卷
Section 1 亚马逊旅游信息
1-10 填空
1. pack a jacket 打包夹克
2. drive from Tucson along the desert trail 沿着沙漠开车
3. address: 6073 Fearnleigh Drive 考察地址
4. Susie’s parent’s phone number: 96852271 考察数字
5. especially recommend the space museum 尤其推荐航空博物馆
6. damage caused by the fire in the post office 邮局火灾导致的破坏
7. independence day: there will be fireworks in the evening 独立日晚上会有烟火表演
8. special tour by helicopter 乘坐直升机的特殊旅行
9. the possibility of playing the golf 有可能打高尔夫
10. when going to the canoe, take sun-cream 去划独木舟的时候记得带防晒霜
Section 2 图书馆和图书摆放
11-16 地图题
11. Gardening book: H
12. art books: I
13. cookery: C
14. biography: F
15. children’s reading area: E
16. self-helping book: A
17-20 匹配题
17. penny’s: 选has good illustration 说明很好
18. the hidden: 选a real story 基于真实故事
19. orange moon: 选come from a part of a series 是一系列中的一部分
20. running boy: 选award-winning 获过奖
Section 3 辅导如何写论文
21-25 选择
21. Kate thinks that the essay is inappropriate 凯特认为这篇论文不合适因为
C. refers to a range of views 涉及多个观点
22. asked the book’s bibliography 论文的参考书目
A. there is a standard format 有标准的格式
23. how did John think of the article 约翰怎们看待该文章
B. analyze more data 分析更多的数据
24. the conclusion that the professor recommended is 教授推荐的结尾
B. refers to the title 指向标题
25. the tutor said that they could use the viewpoint in the article 教授说他们可以使用文中的观点
B. it is helpful for the definition of the difficult task 有助于困难任务的定义
26-30 填空
26. Kathy thinks it is a good essay to separate several sub-topics 凯特认为分为几个小标题是很好的论文
27. the man says these articles look like reports rather than essays 男的认为文章看起来更像报告而非论文
28. the man thinks it is good to use as many examples as possible 男的认为应该尽可能多的使用例子
29. and use connectives to link his ideas 利用链接词来串起他的观点
30. the professor recommends a wide reading 教授推荐广泛阅读
Section 4 世界语起源
31-40 填空
31. Ancient languages were invented for the purposes of religion or trade 古代语言因为宗教或者贸易被发明出来
32. people need a precise language to study about science development 人们需要更为准确的语言来研究科学发展
33. each word of a language was based on a picture 该语言的每个字都是基于图片
34. language also has a close connection with numbers 语言与数字也有紧密的联系
35. ancient people use songs to help understand languages 古代人使用歌曲来帮助理解语言
36. people started to write letters to friends 人们开始给朋友写信
37. modern technology has a negative impact on languages 现代技术对语言有负面影响
38. children in a hospital learned to read in new languages 医院的孩子学习用新语言阅读
39. some languages can not show emotions 一些语言无法展示情感
40. some words were just invented by writers for entertainment 作者处于娱乐目的发明一些单词
More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information, therefore there is no need for printed books magazines and newspapers on paper. To what extent you agree or disagree?