今天来看一看这道题:Do you think entertainment methods will be home-based in the future? 雅思口语Part three常考问题
这道题也是基于 家乡的休闲娱乐设施 来考大家的。
Hmm, I think the ways for entertainment will mostly be based at home in the future. Because nowadays we are living in a world where the Internet has played quite a crucial role in our lives, which enables us to do nearly most things like studying or even working at home. So, people are kind of prone to finding more ways for leisure at home. Now, as we can see, the booming development of VR(Virtual Reality) has already let us enjoy the excitement that ordinary electronic machines couldn’t do. And those things must be set up at home for power or for the sake of the security. So, I do think the entertainment methods will be home-based in the future.
想知道上一个雅思口语P3怎么回答? 查看》》》What do young people do for fun?
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