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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you visited a […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you visited a friend 描述一次拜访朋友的经历/访友经历




Describe an experience that you visited a friend

You should say:

Who you visited

What you did

Why you visited him or her

And how you felt about it




Well, an experience that I visited a friend happened last month while I was taking a trip to the south part of China.


I was actually traveling in Wuhan, which is the capital city of Hubei province. I had an old classmate in high school who was living there. So, I paid a visit to his home during the first day in Wuhan.


He was so nice as he was in high school. He took me to a fancy restaurant to try the Wuchang Fish which was regarded as one of the most delicious dishes in Hubei. This article is from Laokaoya website. After we finished our dinner, we also went to the historical building – The Yellow Crane Tower.  That’s the building that I wanted to visit since I was an elementary school kid.


The reason why I chose to visit him during my travel was that he once helped me a lot when we were classmates in our senior high school, and I wanted him to see if everything was going well with him. Also, as I mentioned, he’s always being generous and willing to make friends. So, I think visiting him would bring some surprise to his life.


I felt so excited to meet him and know that he’s fine in his life. I really hope he could someday visit my place so that I could return the favor to him.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/14889.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you visited a friend 访友经历:等您坐沙发呢!


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