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雅思口语Part One 思路解析:Internet 互联网 互联网已经成为大家日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。从 […]


雅思口语Part One 思路解析:Internet 互联网

互联网已经成为大家日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。从最开始的台式机插网线,到现在的手机、电脑联wifi,它逐渐改变着我们的生活。逛街移动支付,娱乐各种手游,出行滴滴打车、共享单车,吃饭美团、饿了么。老烤鸭小编自己完全无法设想突然没有网络的生活。跟这个话题非常相似的还有另外一篇Part One 电脑,大家可以互相参照着准备一下。

Do you use the internet very much? 你经常使用互联网吗?

Yes, I do. I often use my smartphone to check updates on my favourite websites and catch up on news through WeChat. In fact, I think I spend around 5 to 6 hours on the internet every day.



When was the first time you used the internet? 你什么时候第一次使用互联网?

It can be traced back to my primary school years. At that time, the internet was very slow and expensive, and you needed a phone line to establish the connection. Still, I was amazed when I opened my first website and discovered that there were millions of others waiting for me to explore.


Is the internet very important (or, useful) to you? 互联网对你来说非常重要吗?

Yes, of course. The internet has become a part of my life. I use it to chat with friends, shop, order food, and get the latest news. It’s also very useful for my research since I can easily find and download academic papers, which saves me a lot of time.


Do you think you can live without the internet? 你觉得自己可以离开互联网生活吗?

Yes, probably, but my life would become much less convenient. I’d have to carry a lot of cash since I couldn’t use mobile payments. I’d also have to spend a lot of time travelling to meet friends because video chatting wouldn’t be possible. This would be the worst scenario I could ever imagine.



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雅思口语Part One 思路解析:Internet 互联网:等您坐沙发呢!


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