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2019年8月24日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 今天亚太地区的雅思考试难度一般。听力各个部分的场景分别为求职,调换课 […]


2019年8月24日雅思考试答案 亚太卷



Section 1  运输公司咨询工作


1-10 填空

1. phone number: 3478883723 电话号码

2. name of the first company: Vander 考察姓名拼写

3. date: start from 24th August 开始日期为8月24日

4. duty: transport frozen food 职责是运输冷冻食物

5. manager: must have a degree 经理必须有学位

6. technician: write a report 写报告

7. new warehouse close to the airport 新的仓库离机场很近

8. mechanical: transport animals 运输动物

9. trunk driver: clean the trunk 清理厢货车

10. warehouse supervisor should have his own car 仓库管理员应该有他自己的车

Section 3 要求调换课程


21-30 表格

21. original course title: economic history 最初的课程名字:经济史

22. begin at last September 开始于去年9月

23. the first option: politics 第一个选择是政治

24. the second option: philosophy 第二个选择是哲学

25. lectures are difficult 课程很难

26. participate in a discussion group 参与到讨论小组中

27. not enough tutorial 没有足够的辅导课

28. visit student service for help 可以去学生服务中心寻求帮助

29. next visiting time: 17th February 下一次的开放时间是2月17日

30. she can go to contact senior advisor 她可以联系资深咨询师

Section 4 香水的历史


31-40 选择

31. the reason why perfume being exhibited in the museum in this place? 为什么要在这个地方的博物馆展览香水?

C. experts believe it is valuable 专家认为它很有价值

32. why did early European use perfume? 为什么早期的欧洲人用香水?

C. water shortage 缺水

33. wearing perfume can also be shown 喷香水也可以被用来展示

B. for wealth 财富

34. the perfume was named for 香水以什么命名?

C. the person who invented it 发明它的人

35. about one perfume, which is correct 关于这种香水,哪一项是正确的?

A. for loading cosmetic 装化妆品

36. one company produces a luxury perfume, because which part of bottles gold? 一家公司生产了奢侈的香水,因为瓶子的哪一步分是金子做的?

C. lid of the bottle 瓶子的盖子

37. one part of the perfume bottle is designed to 香水瓶的一部分被设计

C. avoid drying up 避免放干

38. what is the relationship between perfume and the word “perfume”? 香水和香水一词之间的关系是什么?

A. similar substance 相似的本质

39. what is the name for the perfume bottle? 香水瓶的名字是什么?

B. sponge 海绵

40. Tiffany bottle’s feature 蒂芙尼瓶子的特征是?

B. apply crystal skill to make bottle 运用水晶来制作瓶子


2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案








There are more new towns nowadays. It is more important to include public parks and sports facilities than shopping centers for individuals to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


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2019年8月24日雅思考试答案 亚太卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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