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2019年8月24日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 在消失了小半年之后,今天的雅思写作终于考察了地图题。不知道大家有没有 […]


2019年8月24日雅思考试答案 大陆卷



Section 1 答案不完整,欢迎大家留言补充

1. 15000 考察数字

2. 30 考察数字

3. 45

4. garden 花园

5. village 村庄

6. helicopter 直升机

7. beaches 沙滩

Section 2 图书馆扩建讨论


11-15 选择

11. why XXX did not attend today? XXX今天为什么没来

A. he is not very well/he is ill 他生病了

12. disadvantage of the new library? 新的图书馆的缺陷是什么?

B. lack of publicity 缺乏宣传

13. what did the man say about the theft in the library 关于图书馆里的盗贼,这位男士说了什么

A. building facility was destroyed 建筑设施被破坏了

14. why they want to expand the library? 他们为什么要扩大图书馆

A. it has no renovation since founded 自从成立之后就没有翻新过

15. the investment of library will be deployed on? 图书馆的投资将会被用于?

C. lighting 照明

16-20 地图题

16. child room: C

17. committee room: E

18. cafe: B

19. academic room: H

20. multimedia room: G

Section 3 水葫芦对生态的影响


21-22 多选

21-22. Problems caused by hyacinth? 水葫芦引发了什么问题?

B. Farmers cannot get fish 农民无法抓到鱼

E. Electronic products are affected 电子产品受影响

23-26 单选

23. Where does the problem come from? 问题来自于哪里?

A. Latin America 拉丁美洲

24. 引起某种现象下降的原因是:

B. Soil erosion 水土流失

25. Biological solution多久奏效?

C. many years later 许多年之后

26. Mechanism solution方法的缺陷是?

C. expensive 太过昂贵

27-30 匹配

27. Cut down dried water hyacinth: D. materials for plants to grow in 植物生长所需的材料

28. Mushroom farmer: C. profit quick earned 很快可以获得利润

29. Oyster and straw mushroom: E. good for human health 对于人类健康很好

30. Cows: B. an alternative energy resource 另外的能量来源

Section 4 人与人之间的信任问题


31-40 填空

31. when kindness occurs, oxygen will be released 当友善发生的时候会释放氧气

32. recognize a person’s face 识别一个人的面部

33. obligation/responsibility to return the money 有责任归还金钱

34. when returning the money, with a higher level of oxygen 当还钱的时候会有较高水平的氧气

35. the first person has no expectation 第一个人不抱期待

36. involved a risk 会有一定的风险

37. oxygen release when interaction start 互动开始的时候就会释放氧气

38. trust involves a cooperation process 信任包含合作过程

39. understand trust reduce poverty 理解信任会削减贫困

40. oxygen can be seen as a social glue 氧气可以被看作是一种社交黏合剂


2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案








Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improving health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?


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2019年8月24日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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