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2019年7月18日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天是暑假的第一场考试,但雅思官方丝毫没有因此而手下留情。听力和写作 […]


2019年7月18日雅思考试答案 大陆卷



Section 1 休闲娱乐中心的使用


1-10 填空

1. Family membership fee (for 2 adults plus two children): 285 包含两个成人和两个孩子的家庭会员的费用为285

2. gym offers a free orientation session including free parking and drinks 健身房提供的介绍课程包括免费的停车和饮料

3. when it changes: from September 9月份的时候会开始改变

4. good facilities: swimming roof and with a glass roof 带有玻璃房顶的游泳池

5. gym offers a free orientation session 健身房提供免费的介绍课程

6. changing room installed facilities: TV 房间里新安装了电视

7. judo 柔道

8. yoga 瑜伽

9. intermediate 中等水平

10. open at 8.30 pm 8.30的时候开始

Section 2 志愿者项目介绍


11-16 选择

11. the situation of the current volunteers?

C. from a wide range of backgrounds 现在的志愿者拥有各种各样的北京

12. will the man join this project?

B. those encouraged by the employers 雇主鼓励员工参与志愿项目

13. Henry the man:

B. takes care of the kids 男性会照顾孩子

14. the girl Reith

A. buy something in the supermarket 女孩从超市里买东西

15. what part of volunteer’s work did the girl enjoy?

A. sharing opinions with other volunteers 女孩最喜欢与其他志愿者分享者自己的想法

16. what is the advantage of being a virtual volunteer?

C. no longer need to travel 成为虚拟志愿者的好处在于不需要旅行

17-20 匹配题

Process for application

17. Email personal information 用电子邮件发送个人信息

18. prepare several interviewing questions 准备几个面试的问题

19. meet other potential volunteers 与其他潜在的志愿者见面

20. file a formal application 填写正式的申请

Section 3 Hei-tiki工艺品研究


21-25 选择

21. why does the shape of Hei-tiki look unusual? 该工艺品为什么形状特殊?

B. difficulty in carving stones 雕刻石头过于困难

22. very few Hei-tiki are found in the archaeological site because? 在考古点很少发现该工艺品是因为?

C. the villagers look after them carefully 村民将它保护的很好

23. The Hei-tiki was regarded by Moris people as 改工艺品被毛利人当作

B. a communicating way to their ancestors 与祖先交流的方式

24. what are the distinctions between two types of Hei-tiki? 两种工艺品之间的区别在于

C. the position of hands to leg 手相对于腿的位置

25. what are the characteristics of a new type of Hei-tiki? 新类型的工艺品有什么特点

B. regular holes and cords 规律的孔洞和绳子

26-30 匹配题

26. sand: E. form the shape 组成形状

27. stitch and string: A. used for carving details 用于雕刻细节

28. bark: C. end 末端

29. wax: B. polish stone eyes 打磨石头眼睛

30. stone: G. bond it together 将不同部分绑在一起

Section 4 城市迁徙


31-40 填空

31. produce less carbon than the countryside by 40-50% 城市比乡村少产生40%-50%的二氧化碳

32. good for agriculture 对农业有利

另一版本为:energy deficient because the service is concentrated in the city 因为服务集中于城市所以能源缺乏

33. rural areas rely more on cars 乡村地区更加依赖汽车

34. in the city more rubbish recycling 城市中有更多的垃圾回收

35. can gain more promotion at work 工作中可以得到更多的升职机会

36. losing culture because people have to work hard to maintain life 因为人们必须努力工作,会丧失文化

37. more crimes in the city 城市里犯罪更多

38. poor quality of air 空气质量差

39. increased welfare in population results in an increase in higher energy consumption 人口福利上升导致人均能量消耗变高

40. more stress for traffic problems 给交通带来更大的压力


2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案








The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous government’s expenditure. This money should be used in new housing and road development. Do you agree or disagree?



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2019年7月18日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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