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雅思口语Part One思路解析:boat 船 南方或者海边的同学可能对船更熟悉一些。作为一个从小在北方长大的 […]


雅思口语Part One思路解析:boat 船


Have you ever travelled by boat?


Yes, my first trip on boat was during my secondary school when I took a ship from Dalian to Weihai. I had never seen a large boat in reality before. At first sight, I thought the boat was a high-rise moving building.

Do you like boats?


Actually no, because my last experience on a boat was not very pleasant. There were huge waves and I got serious seasick. I cannot stop throwing up. It was very disgusting.

Would like to have your own boat?


Based on my experience, the answer would be never. But I do know that a great number of people hope to have their own boat. This article is from laokaoya website. So they can go fishing or have a special party during their spare time. It would be very romantic and fun.

Is boat trip popular in your country?


In the area where I grow up, very few people travel on boat. This is mainly because there are not many rivers in the north and my hometown is far away from the sea. But the situation may be different in the south. After all, most of them live by a river or lake.


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雅思口语Part One思路解析:boat 船:等您坐沙发呢!


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