雅思口语part3:Is it easier for old people to get up early than young people? 老年人会比年轻人更容易早起吗
本期老烤鸭雅思口语第三部分要介绍到的一道题目与早起(getting up early)有关。这道题的难度系数适中,只要对早起有体验的人都应该能够在毫无准备的情况下回答一二。不过,该题的难点是要拿老年人的例子进行比较说明。很多人可能不太了解老年人的睡眠习惯,就很有可能卡在这里。不过,老烤鸭雅思小编要提醒大家的是,不必纠结自己的观点,你可以表达自己理解的角度,言之有理即可;并不需要拿出相关的医学证据出来支撑你的观点。最后,老烤鸭雅思小编还是要建议大家:看到这道题之后,请大家先给自己一会儿时间来口头回答一下这道题,然后再去参考老烤鸭的原创参考答案进行学习。
Yes, I think it is. Part of the reason why old people find it easier to be an early riser is that they have a relatively shorter time for sleep in their age than that of the young people. You know, normally young adults need an average of 7 hours of sleep, whereas old people generally sleep for less than 6 hours. More importantly, this article is from Laokaoya website, the main reason why they can get up early easily is that they normally go to bed earlier than youngsters do. You know, young people just want to stay up late playing with their phones, tablets and so on, and they can’t get up early while old people just don’t have any habits like that before bed, and would like to stretch their legs and arms in the early mornings.
点击返回查看该话题卡: Describe an occasion when you got up early 早起